Chapter 35 - I don't know how to start (Part I)

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Hello Lovely Readers,

Thank you so much for the messages! I'm so happy you understand why I needed a break and I appreciate you being worried about me! If I ever publish this story (a girl can dream, right?), you will be in the acknowledgements for sure haha

So, here it is Bennett's POV. I'm splitting in 2 Parts because there's a LOT going on here and it turned out to be a long chapter. Some things are a bit ''WHAT?'', shocking! I mean, even I was shocked. haha

I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Bennett's POV

I need to graduate. Like, soon.

I realized that all I have to do is to get out of this place and never come back.

Maybe that's too drastic, my family is here, so of course I'll be back, I just... I need to take some time away. From this school, this town, my brother and especially Alex.

Going to college is something I always dreamed of, but now staying away from Alex seems an even more of a good reason to go away.

I dreamed about the two of us spending time together at college, living in the same city, as I know she always wanted to go to Boston and so have I. MIT has been my dream school since I was a little kid. Everyone knows this. 

So the fact that we were both planning on going to Boston was something I was looking forward to. However, what I dreamed for so many years seems to be getting more and more further away from what is possible.

Away from what I want.

Funny how things work. I thought that after we kissed, things would change. I actually thought I would stand a chance, because come on, it was one hell of a good kiss.

I was wrong.

Everything was giving me hope, before it all went down to shit.

I was doing my best to forget she even existed after the kiss, but then she had a migraine episode and there I was to rescue her. What was I supposed to do? Leave her in pain?

No, I could never do that.

I'm not sure if it was a good thing because it brought us closer again, or a bad thing because it brought us closer again.

I spent the following days glued to her. Helping in any way I could, like a good boyfriend would do.

Only, I'm not her boyfriend.

Well, her actual boyfriend couldn't give a flying fuck if she was in pain, because he had football practice. He didn't even know she had such bad migraines. 

I thought I was completely hallucinating about maybe she enjoying my company a bit too much. I thought it was my mind playing with me. I started to think we were just two friends studying together, talking about deep stuff, like why she stopped playing piano, a topic I know she doesn't talk to anyone about.

That was it, two recently reunited friends, nothing else.

Until we kissed.

I couldn't believe it when she leaned forward and planted those soft lips on mine. It's not like I didn't want to kiss her right there, but I never thought it would come from her, so I was shocked at first, not expecting it at all.

I had to kiss her back. I just had to.

I had to kiss her with all the passion I had been hiding inside for so long and damn, it was fucking amazing.

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