Chapter 1 (aged 5)

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The Queen sat down in the leather chair, her blue eyes following her only son as he fidgeted nervously in his seat. At five years old, he looked more like his father everyday. Although, he had Jenna's eyes.

She knew why he was nervous. He had been told he was the man of their house practically since he was born, the man of their country. It was true, at least in the literal sense, though Jenna hated to see so much weight on his shoulders from such a young age.

That was why she chose to introduce him to the other young prince. He was a little older, though in a similar position to Liam. Being a crown prince so young, having so much pressure and expectation on their little shoulders every time they left their own home. When Queen Caroline Raeken suggested they bring the two boys together, Jenna thought it was a smart idea. She knew they could frame it as foreign diplomacy, but the truth was that they each worried about their sons, and they each thought a friend could help. It wouldn't hurt that if they were, in fact, friends, their Kingdoms would be naturally aligned.

"It's going to be alright, Liam." Jenna said softly, leaning forward to fix the little three-piece suit that he wore. She'd sooner see him in something softer and more comfortable, but at least for the first day of their visit, for their arrival and the crowds that would come with it, he should be dressed correctly.

"What if Prince Theo doesn't like me?" Liam asked, and Jenna watched with pride as his face scrunched up into a little pout. He was adorable and rather bright, he would be great at this one day. When he was old enough to understand it all in more depth. For now, Jenna just wanted him to enjoy. To be happy.

"What's not to like, sweetheart?" Jenna asked, resting a hand on his cheek tenderly. "I'm sure he'll be happy to have a friend like him."

Liam settled a little, though not much, and not enough for Jenna to settle with him. He was clearly nervous, and she could understand why. He rarely had any friends around him, at least besides the other children who wandered in the castle.

By the time they arrived and departed the plane, Liam's little cheeks were red, and he bounced awkwardly from one foot to another. Clearly, he was afraid, and though Jenna understood why, she was eager to get behind closed doors so he could relax a little easier. He waved as they walked in, and Jenna kept a hand on his shoulder to make sure he was never pulled away, that he knew he wasn't alone in all of this.

By the time they were welcomed inside the house, Liam's face was a tomato, and his hands were folded nervously behind his back. He stood straight, the very picture of the royal he was being raised into. Jenna sometimes wished he would get to be a normal kid, running around in a playground and going to a normal school. He was so limited in what he was allowed to do, but that was the way it was for them.

She caught sight of Caroline first, the blonde woman the picture of grace. She had a hand on her son's shoulder, and young Prince Theo looked a lot like her. Green eyes, hands folded neatly in front of himself. He was just like her, and Jenna offered him a smile instinctively.

His floppy hair covered most of his forehead, and he looked distinctly like he was trying to hide behind it, awkwardly bouncing on his heels, avoiding the eyes of either Liam or Jenna herself. He was a little taller than her own son, and she was sure that he and Liam would be friends.
Caroline nudged him and he took a step forward, sighing heavily in his higher pitched, childish voice. "Hello, Liam." He grumbled begrudgingly.

Jenna looked down at Liam, who stared up at the high ceilings, as if he hadn't heard a word. She cleared her throat and he stepped forward too, a little pout puffing his cheeks out.

"I'm Liam." He mumbled back.

Jenna took a few quick steps forward, holding a hand out to Caroline in greeting. Caroline took it and after a moment, the two of them hugged. They had been friends themselves, each growing up in the same castles they raised their kids in.

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