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Matt struggled some more then with one last angry shove and a yell but still, nothing before finally resting his head against the door in defeat.

He took a couple of breaths in and out before he asked his voice trembling "W-what do you want from me?"

He didn't turn around but suddenly he could hear Stiles right behind him, like he somehow had teleported.

"What we want?" Stiles murmured and they moved closer to Matt and breathed deeply in, taking in Matts fear and desperation.

It was so inviting.

"We suppose we did want some revenge but now we feel rather hungry Matty"

"H-hungry, what? Are you a vampire or something?!" Matt choked out in fear.

Stiles grabbed Matt by the arm and forced him to turn around to face  him.

Matts breathing hitched as he stared into Stiles now bright silver eyes.

"You ever heard of a vampire with silver eyes, no?" Stiles forced Matt to bring his arm upwards as he continued "We're something different"

They clenched their hand around Matts arm, breaking it instantly, ignoring Matts pained gasp of pain, black veins shoot up their arm as they took in the delicious pain.

"Do you really think you'll end up leaving this room Matt?" Stiles said, wondering how stupid this human was.

True fear and pain shone in Matts eyes as he realised how hopeless his situation was, how could this be happening? He whimpered out "Y-you can't, Scott-"

"If Scott was here, we'd kill him too" Stiles growled darkly.

"B-but-" Matt tried to say however Stiles was tired of talking, their hunger getting the better of them and they didn't want to talk more about Scott, the pack or any of their fully human memories, it just made them feel even angrier.

They easily throw Matt against the opposite end of the cinema room, using their new speed they were there in less than a second, then they stepped on with force, one of Matts legs, taking in more pain.

"No more talking" Their voice even deeper with hunger.

They ignored Matts cries off agony, as they started to break more bones and tear apart muscle.

They feasted.

Katherine did wonder what Stiles was up to, he had been gone a rather long time as she changed back to her normal vampire self, the shape shifting was easier than she had thought it would be and had loved the look of shock on the other prisoners faces when she had turned on all of them.

Apparently this group had been in this prison for years so they all all had been quite close, so they all died in confusion, hurt and shock.

It was so funny.

They all never realised that the "friend" Katherine had shape shifted into was not in fact the person they knew and their friend was already dead.

Though there was something strange about all of this, Katherine started down at her arms as for the first time she saw the winding swirling tattoos that went up her arms and on to the rest of her body, they glowed a golden hue before fading away, what was this?

What was going on?

She dropped one last body to the floor as she felt him approach.

"Where were you? I've killed everyone here, sorry if you wanted dips" She said, smiling though not actually sorry.

"Its fine, we were reuniting with an old friend" Stiles said with a devious smirk, walking into the room.

Katherine wondered if she should tell him about the tattoos but then if they were going to be killing together, he'd see them eventually.

"Yeah, we had them too for a couple of seconds after we killed Matt. We don't know what they are either" Stiles said, looking just as confused as her.

"Maybe the witch that helped us both, can explain them to us?" Katherine wondered

Stiles agreed with that, they both were looking forward to meeting this witch again.

"Well, we can't worry about it now, on to the next?" Stiles asked with a wide grin, gesturing towards the door.

"On to the next" Katherine agreed excitedly.

A pattern emerged as they went to the other mansions or they probably should call them prisons.

The stronger prisoners would try and fight them first to no avail then it became a game of hide and seek for the weaker prisoners.

Both Stiles and Katherine lost complete track of time, just staining their hands red and getting lost in the feeling of themselves growing stronger and more powerful. 

Sometimes they came across people they knew from both their old lives and it was super fun paying special attention to them.

When they both finally reached the last prison, they both had new clothes that they had stolen of other prisoners, having grown so much that they had torn the clothes they used to wear. 

Stiles had thought with some hesitant that with the hight growth along with the muscle growth they both might start to look like body builders, thankfully that wasn't the case.

While they did become a lot bigger, they both looked like much more athletic than bulky, the growth they gained making them both more toned, defined and compact.

Of course they both did become a lot larger but it just enhanced their looks as well. They both definitely stood out and in their normal forms they were just reaching a giant hight of nine foot.

However both Katherine and Stiles unless they wanted to intimidate someone, liked being underestimated so they usually kept themselves to what they're physique looked like in the beginning of destroying the prison realm. 

A little above average hight and a little more thicker looking than an average person but nothing abnormal. 

It was fun to see the shock and fear when they shape shifted into their real more giant looking forms before they killed other prisoners as well. 

Stiles was aware that they both must look like insane psycho killers as they couldn't stop the maniac like smile spreading across their face as they and Katherine killed the last prisoners in the last prison.  

They weren't sure how long they had been in the prison realm.

They both didn't even react to feeling the new power wash over them because of the new kills. It was child's play by this point and they both were used to the feeling.

"I thought I would grow tired of the killing by now but I think I've grown to enjoy it even more" Katherine giggled, licking one of her fingers that was stained with blood, like it was chocolate sauce.

"We agree with you there" Stiles said, grinning dangerously. 

The idea that they both were the strongest supernatural beings in the prison world, perhaps ... even in the real world made them feel giddy.

"I think it's time for us to give our towns a wake up call, no...maybe the whole world?" Katherine said slyly. 

"Now that does sound delicious" Stiles said, raising their hands as they walked out of the prison.  Their heart beat raising in anticipation.

Katherine copied him. 

And slowly the mist around started to crack...

One more chapter to go!

Trapped (Katherine, Void Stiles, Kai)Where stories live. Discover now