Memories Unlocking Part Two

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His heart thudded hard in his chest and even more fear ran through him.

He couldn't be here!

"Dad! What are you doing here!?" He yelled out.

"I heard what they were going to do! Scott you need to stop this madness!" His Dad shouted, going towards the Alpha who glared at him and snarled "You need to back down Sheriff, we're saving everyone from the Nogisune!"

"Can you even hear yourself? That my son there! Not the Nogitsune!" His dad cried out as he went to tear the book Scott was holding out of his hand.

"Don't! Dad! They're not-" Stiles

He was about to say they're not in their right minds, he never got the chance too.

It happened in a split second.

Everything happened at once.

Scott shoved his father away from the book with force that made him fly into the wall then Lydia said quickly before Stiles could react "Do it now!"

Scott gave the book to Deaton who looked down at the book and started to read out what it said, some sort of language Stiles didn't understand.

Malia chucked some sort of ingredients that Stiles had no clue what they are at him, some sort of dark liquid that was cold on his skin, he choked on it.

The air started to make a strange humming sound and Stiles could only watch in fear as a white light appeared out of thin air.

It was burning hot and grow bigger as Deaton chanted.

Stiles felt a primal fear grip him, his breathing coming out faster as he realised what was about to happen.

He opened his mouth, maybe to scream or shout or try to get through to the pack one last time to try and save himself.

"Stiles!" His Dad who had managed to get up from the ground from the hard knock to the head did the only thing he could think to do to save his son. 

"Dad, No!" Stiles shouted but he was too late.

The burning white light surrounded them, for a couple of seconds Stiles was blinded by how bright it was and Stiles felt true agony rip into him, he couldn't stop the scream of pain that was torn from his lips.

He could feel the darkness inside him screaming as well.

Under the supernatural heat the straps that held him broke and Stiles fell to the floor.

But he wasn't prepared for what he saw lying on the floor in front of him. 

He had thought that his Dad hadn't gotten to him in time.

But he had...

There was a smell of burning flesh and Stiles could only stare.

He must be in some sort of nightmare!

His Dad lay on the floor on his side, his expression in pain but his eyes open and unseeing. 

Stiles flung himself back, his breathing picking up even more and his vision swam, this-this couldn't be real!

"Please" He said shakily.

Please if your really there, take over!

I don't want be here! I don't want to experience this! This-this just has to be a nightmare! That's right! One of those dreams the Nogisune liked to torture him in, it had to be it!

Two more chapters coming up! Hope you enjoy! Poor Stiles! I'm a bit busy currently so that's why they're not coming out all in one go.

Trapped (Katherine, Void Stiles, Kai)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें