Blurred Lines

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His heart beat increased and his body started to become sweaty as his panic increased.

Suddenly a wave of calm overwhelmed him and Stiles took a deep breath, in relief.

He didn't care where that emotion probably had come from, it just made him feel better.

Katherine looked at Stiles up and down, a slow smile forming on her face.

"Interesting" She murmured.

"That's what I said" Kai sniggered.

She ignored him and walked down the stairs slowly getting into Stiles personal space "I've only ever met a Kitsune twice. Didn't seem the type of creatures to posses people"

"I-It's a Nogitsune. They're dark Kitsunes. Different from normal Kitsunes" Stiles said slowly, though couldn't bring himself to look into her eyes as she got up to close to him.

Her hand touched his face, making sure he was looking at her.

"What did he make you do? Did he bath your hands in blood. You know...I find that kind of hot" Katherine said with a evil smirk.

"I'm out of here" Kai muttered, as he started to walk up the stairs.

"You can join in to if you want? Might as well do something in this god awful place" She said.

Kai ignored her.

"So, your want me because your bored?" Stiles asked.

"Is that a problem?" She wondered.

Before Stiles could reply she kissed him on the lips. He leaned into the kiss automatically.

"Well?" The female vampire asked when he didn't reply.

"I'm totally fine with that" Stiles said quickly. Blinking rabidly.

Though he knew she was just using him...

We are using her to.

There was no day and night in their prison. And there was no food for the vampires either. They had no idea how long they had trapped but it felt like years instead of just days.

Kai and Katherine grow increasingly hungry. Often getting into spats and fights that Stiles usually broke up.

Stiles on the other hand was struggling more and more with his fox side. The Nogitsune grew stronger within him but the stronger it grew the more and more difficult it became to tell which thoughts were his own and which were the fox's.

One day Stiles noticed Katherine hadn't come out from the room she had claimed for her self (It was the biggest more fancy looking one)

Stiles tried not to be to jealous.

She tensed and glared at him as he came into the room.

She looked pale, unhealthy.

She was hungry. 

"What are you doing here? Come to laugh at me?" She sneered.

Stiles frowned shaking his head "We're-" He cringed "I'm not Kai"

Katherine expression brightened a little at his slip up.  Her eyes cruelly amused.

But then she smiled falsely and leaned on her bed "Oh yeah, do you want something else then?"

Stiles know what she was implying as he scowled "Knock it of Katherine"

She rolled her eyes "Spoil sport"

But they both noticed the way her eyes lingered on his neck.

"Don't" Stiles warned "We-he don't- doesn't like it"

He cursed himself for his wording again. It was starting to get confusing in his head.

Trapped (Katherine, Void Stiles, Kai)Where stories live. Discover now