Did You Think We Were The Weak Link?

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The winds increased until they all couldn't hear each other, their voices being stolen by the storm surrounding them.

Furniture was flung in the air, however they all had supernatural durability so that didn't worry them all that much but the main worry was what this spell was doing.

The wind roared in all their ears, hurting them.

What was happening?

What could they do?

They all felt helpless against the magic that was raging against their skin.

Then just as Stiles felt like their own ears might burst, it all...just stopped.

A strange warm tingling sensation ran across Stiles skin for a couple of seconds, then it was gone.

The wind had vanished like it had never been there in the first place.

Everything stilled.

"Okay, what the hell was that?!" Rebecca was the first to snap.

No one replied, no one knew.

Nothing had happened?

Stiles said frowning "We felt something strange when the wind stopped"

"Ah, a strange tingling sensation?" Kai asked.

Everyone made noises of agreement, they had felt it too.

"You're the witch, any ideas?" Katherine  said, not liking this one bit, why was this all happening to them?

Kai said looking puzzled "All I can think of that it has done something to us all but will only show up with some kind of trigger, so if anything odd happens to one of us we should let each other know"

"If I start sprouting wings or something I'll let everyone know" Katherine said, rolling her eyes at Kai's obvious statement.

Stiles felt one of their human memories flash to the surface after Katherine's quip, they couldn't help but snigger  "If we turn into an abominable snowman we'll let you all know too"

Everyone gave them a odd glance, probably thinking they were a weirdo but they didn't care, since when had they claimed otherwise?

Stiles noticed Kate and Peter glaring at each other now that the other danger had sort of passed. Stiles had a feeling they hadn't attacked each other yet because they thought Kai might interfere again.

Though they had gotten bored of this already. Their mind jumped about a bit to figure how what to do now since the danger had passed, Maybe they could find Klaus somewhere? If that shape shifter had somehow managed to make Klaus vulnerable then all the more reason to look for him right?

Though considering how weak the shape shifter was against Rebecca it seemed unlikely but then again the imposter hadn't for some strange reason fought back, all it had done was stood there and accepted its fate once the spell had started and Rebecca had gotten their hands on it. 

They were sure Katherine would look for them at some point so they didn't wait for her.

Rebecca had already gone, looking for her brother. 

Hopefully they could find him first.

They knew they had a superior hearing and smell compared to the other supernaturals including the originals who relied on their physical strengths more than their senses.

That is also why after only a couple of minutes walking and navigating through some massive hallways they knew they were being followed and it wasn't by anyone that was familiar.

Stiles walked into a random room, that looked like some sort of study room. They pretended to look lost and confused, looking at their surroundings.

For a split second Stiles wondered if they should make this stalker be aware that they knew about them however it seemed like they didn't have too.

They felt them before they saw them.

A sound, flying through the air. Stiles reacted instinctively, twisting around, their hand shooting up in front of them, catching the object. 

It was some sort of star shaped looking-

Stiles sighed as they thought you've got to be kidding me, looking at the Shuriken in their hand.

Were they fighting some sort of ninja?


They heard someone shout out loud and Stiles caught the long thing sword in their other hand, glaring at the person who had attacked them.

A young man, wearing all black.

"Nope, just an idiot"Stiles grumbled.

They added as they squeezed the metal, snapping the sword in two, the guys eyes widened in fear "You do realise that yelling when you want to go for a surprise attack really isn't a good idea right?"

They threw away the sword pieces as they calmly said, like they were talking about the weather  "Any reasons why your trying to kill us?"

The human didn't give up and even tried to punch him, how stupid was this human?

Stiles grabbed the wrist, easily stopping the punch.

"You killed them!" He finally growled out, anger and fear overwhelming his voice.

Ah, Stiles finally understood. 

"You're with the other assassins aren't you?"

He didn't respond, glaring at Stiles who feeling a little irritated at how idiotic he was behaving, if your going to try and kill us at least put some effort into it Stiles thought as they twisted up sharply.

The assassin let out a cry of pure pain as his bone snapped in half.

Stiles smiled savagely, feeling a jolt of pleasure as they absorb a small amount of the pain.

How long had it been since they'd last eaten?

They suddenly realised how hungry they were.

Stiles leaned in slightly, their eyes glowing silver menacingly.

"You're really going to wish you had followed someone else out of that room in a minute. Did you think we seemed the most human? Did you think we were the weak link?"

The assassin could only stare, his breaking picking up as his instincts screamed at him to run.

But there was no getting away, this monster was too strong.

Stiles couldn't stop the manic smile that spread across their face at the man's terror.

Their hunger increasing every second.

This would be fun.

I'll be replying to the comments on my previous chapter later on after work, anyway hope you enjoyed this! I'm sorry I was a little longer than I thought I'd be but things should start going back to regular updates now. I hope you all have a good day or night whenever you are reading this!

Trapped (Katherine, Void Stiles, Kai)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें