Tricks and The Immortal

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The light flickered in the living room, a gust of indivisible wind seemed to rustle the paper lying about, apart from that the room seemed ordinary.

Ordinary apart from a man sitting on the couch, reading a book, without a care in the world, apart from the fact this wasn't really a man.

But this wasn't what was unordinary, no. What was unordinary was that if you were to take things at face value, this supernatural being should be dead.

"We would say what are you doing alive but we think the time for games is up. We know you're not Klaus" Stiles said, stepping into the room confidently, Katherine right besides him.

"I suppose taking the shape of a dead vampire gave it away" Klaus but not really Klaus chuckled.

Stiles hated how this supernatural being seemed completely relaxed. They knew the supernatural understood what the spell had done and so the supernatural must know they had the power of two originals along with other abilities they had obtained yet this shape shifter seemed calm.

Was it arrogance?

Yet this supernatural being had knocked Klaus unconscious and had faked their death, they had to be wary.

Stiles had decided to use a certain trick up in their arsenal but if this supernatural saw through it, they were both likely dead.

They had looked all over the mansion until they had just found him here, calmly reading a book.

"Who are you?" Katherine growled, glaring at him menacingly.

"I'm surprised you don't recognise me" The Klaus looking shape shifter chuckled.

They closed their book slowly and with an equal measured pace, put it down next to him.

Then they watched as the shapeshifter changed right before their eyes.

Katherine's eyes widened as she stepped back with a gasp.

Stiles had no clue who this was so they quickly asked hurriedly "Who is he?"

"Stephen?" Katherine said shocked but then she suddenly shook her head and took a step backwards, not believing her eyes.

No, this wasn't Stephen.

There was...

Only one other person who this could be.

If she had a heartbeat it would have pounded hard in her chest. She would never admit it but she did regret helping such a powerful dangerous being.

"Silas, his names Silas, a being who can't die" Katherine said grimly.

It was strange she knew Silas was somehow defeated but she couldn't think of how, like that information was blocked for her. Katherine assumed it had something to do with this prison and how it meddled with time to bring them all together despite being from different time lines.

"Oh well that's fantastic" Stiles muttered but really they weren't that perturbed, the spell had aloud them both to kill Klaus and Rebecca despite them being originals, so it must work for this immortal as well.

Stiles and Katherine both circled the shape shifter, watching him warily. 

"Why have you not killed everyone? You knew how the spell effected everyone, you could have killed us all before this all happened" Katherine asked him.

Silas slowly stood up and grinned at then, it was like he was just having a fun conversation with some friends with how calm he was, it was a little creepy.

"I assume your fox friend has figured that one out" The immortal chuckled.

Katherine looked at Stiles expectedly who explained to her, not taking their eyes of Silas "He wants to kill both of us and take all the power we've absorbed instead of going around killing everyone. That's right? Isn't it?"

Trapped (Katherine, Void Stiles, Kai)Where stories live. Discover now