The New Prisinor

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Their lips met hungrily as if seeking to devour each other. They were kissing up against the wall, both grinning into the kiss. Stiles hands that were on her waist trailed downwards.

But before anything else could happen Katherine pulled back, frowning. 

"Do you smell that?" She asked him.

The smell of human blood but there was this strange tinge too it. This weak disgusting scent, like vomit.

Stiles scrunched his nose up in disgust but for some reason the smell felt familiar to them, where had he smelt that before?

Katherine started to follow the scent, her curiosity getting the better of her.

Such a strange human smell?

She was starving but it wasn't appetising at all. She hasn't met a human that wasn't at least a little bit appealing?

The fox followed behind her, trying to figure out why that smell was so familiar.

They were downstairs and almost in the living room.

A image in Stiles mind appeared, it felt familiar yet not at the same time.

An old man..

Who was this?

What was his name?

It had only been a couple of years but parts of their life were difficult to recall.

Oh yes...

They remembered the same as soon as they saw him lying on the ground unconscious.

He had hurt Stiles, when they used to be defenceless and human.

He had hurt others as well but they realised that they didn't care about that.


The sickly smell was coming from him.

Katherine looked curiously at the old man, what was that smell?

"Mountain ash poisoning" Stiles said, grimly, knowing what she was thinking by her expression.

Katherine took note of his own as well as she asked surprised "Do you know him?"

A dark nasty smile crossed the fox's face as he said, watching the older man start to stir away "Yeah, we know him"

A fun idea crossed their minds and they felt some saliva start to form in their mouths.



So hungry.

This time however they intended to fully fill that hunger.

They knew exactly how to do it.

Gerard awoke to his head pounding and his lungs struggling but what was new there? He started coughing as soon as he awoke, black liquid pooling from his mouth as he hacked more of it up.

"Are you okay sir?"

"Don't talk to him!"

"Why not?"

One of those voices sounded a little familiar?

Gerard blinked a couple of times so that his vision finally came into focus.

Wait...was that?

He was older and looked a little different from what Gerard remembered but that definitely was Stiles?!

Stiles was looking at him warily, standing close to a young women who looked at him worriedly.

"Sir?" She asked.

Ah he thought, she probably sees me as a normal old man.

Yet there was more pressing issues to start of with.

"Where am I?" He asked, achingly slowly getting to his feet and trying to hold back another coughing fit.

"We-we don't know know. We all woke up here. Everyone's trapped here together" Stiles said shakily.

Gerard smiled at Stiles clear fear of him, well he supposed considering the last time they properly saw each other, it made sense.

"Someone's playing around with us, well they'll soon learn why it's not a good idea to mess with me" He said, everyone underestimate him after all and that lead to peoples downfall.

He turned to Stiles who looked warily at him.

"It's been a while Stiles"

Trapped (Katherine, Void Stiles, Kai)Where stories live. Discover now