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Stiles could see the fear and hatred that came across her face before she smoothed it over and seemed to pretend it never happened.

Kate turned to Kai and looked him up and down warily as she asked him "Who are you?"

Kai smirked as he said "I'll tell you if you tell me what's going on between you two"

He motioned towards Peter.

She looked up at him, her eyes cold and cruel.

"You want to know? His my murderer"

Peter banged harder against the invisible wall as he roared back "You murdered my family!"

Kate actually smirked then as she said "Not all of them, you didn't need my help for one of them"

Peter froze, his breathing heavy and it looked like he was going to be sick.

Rebecca watched this play out before her, she personally found it boring, was Kai going to let them kill each other already?

Who cared about backstories?

Though it seemed she was the only one not paying proper attention to the newcomer, so... she was the only one that noticed something else going on.

Her brother who had been strangely silent since they came down stairs, using everyones distraction, slipped away, walking out of the room quietly.

What was he doing?

She waited a couple of minutes unsure if she should follow him until she noticed a strange scent in the air. A strange breeze came from the door that Klaus had existed.

Rebecca made sure no one else was looking before she too, walked quietly away.

She followed his scent into the living room. 

The wind had picked up and an odd dust was swirling in the air, making it hard to see what was going on,

Then she saw her brother, in the middle of it all.

The book that they hadn't been able to read was open before him.

Klaus was muttering something like a chant under his breath and the wind picked up even more.

She saw the strange dust was forming symbols on the ground she didn't understand.

Nick had said he didn't know the language of the book! So what was he...?

Then she suddenly remembered what the group had talked about before. It suddenly made sense, why he knew the language, why he'd been oddly silent and what had happened with the Dread Doctors.

This wasn't her brother!

She didn't think twice, then, not caring about the spell that was happening before her.

She lunged at this imposter and slammed him against the wall.

"Where is my brother!" She shouted at him.

To her surprise the imposter did not fight back, instead he chuckled, not even trying to pretend otherwise.

It was so strange to see her brothers face look in at her with such evil intent.

At the same time the door behind her opened.

Kai, Kate, Katherine, Stiles and Peter came running through.

The commotion had taken priority over Peter and Kate's history it seemed.

"The spell, it's working! What did you do!" Kai shouted over the roaring wind, already figuring out the person Rebecca held against the wall was not Klaus.

Stiles also yelled looking at the symbols on the ground in the dust "It's the same spell we faced before. It'll do something with life force, likely ours! Kill him!"

They tried to get closer but the wind pushed them back.

The imposter smirked as he said "It's too late now. I wanted to reap the benefits myself but I suppose it'll be fun also watching you all kill each other"

Rebecca hesitated, this was the only lead she had to Klaus but he couldn't get out of this mansion and this shape shifter wouldn't have had time to kill an original.

So she shoved her hands through his chest, grabbing his heart, though still surprised that the imposter wasn't fighting back.

Didn't he care abut his own death?

She pulled it out and the imposter slumped to the ground.

"We were too late!" Katherine snapped and Rebecca's eyes widened as she realised that the spell was still going on and no matter what the rest of the group did, they couldn't rub out the symbols on the floor.

Kai tried to do what he did before but the strange dust this time did not move.

What the?!

Stiles let out a groan of frustration as they realised they now could not move towards the door.

The winds that had gotten ten times stronger was pushing everyone back from the door so no one could escape.

They realised that they all had been pushed into the circle by the raising wings without them realising it.

"We're trapped!" They shouted towards the group.

An in pending feeling of dread overwhelmed the group.

What would this spell do to them?

How could they escape?

I'm starting work soon so I won't have time to reply currently to the comments on my previous chapter but I'll do that later on today after work.  I also have a holiday coming up soon and not sure what my internet connection will be like so if my next update takes a while that will be why, at the most it'll be two weeks before I can update again, sorry if that happens! I posted this comment too on one of my other stories and something similar on my conversation board. Hope you all have a good week!

Trapped (Katherine, Void Stiles, Kai)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя