Finally, finally, I heard him put the knife back in his pocket. He was looking right at me, watching me cry and smiling at what he had done. "Aw, poor baby, did daddy hurt you?" He laughed as I choked on my tears, still unmoved from the position he had ordered me into. He reached out to pet my hair, and I cringed away again, immediately regretting it. "Scared, are you? Is that how a good whore behaves? Do you know who I am? I'm the captain of this police department, I have all the power. Should I call that alpha you were with back in here? Should I let him watch me fuck you?"

No no no not Tyler. He can't see this. He can't know what I'm doing. That I'm a whore. That I'm here on the couch presenting to an alpha that wasn't him. That he had used me, that he was going to do it again. He couldn't know. "What's wrong? You don't like that? If you're good for me I won't tell him what I'm going to do to you. I won't tell him that you're here, being a good little cumslut for me. Is that what you want?" I nodded, biting my lip again to stop myself from making too much noise.

He smirked at me again, tilting his head to consider my position. "Actually... on your back. I want to see your face when I fuck you. Should make for some good footage too." I flipped over without a word. I felt myself start to drift away as he climbed on top. Somewhere, far in the distance, I could hear him unzipping his pants, could feel the rough slaps he landed. I was far, far away from all of that.

Some time later I felt him pull out of me. I was in a daze. Dimly aware that I was cold, and naked, and crying. I lay there on the couch, not daring to move. Hating myself for what I was, for what I had just done. His face loomed in front of me again, that same awful smile still plastered across it. "Does it hurt?" I nodded, whimpering as he ran his finger across the freezing skin of my thigh. He laughed at me. A deep, slow laugh that made me cringe and tremble.

Just as soon as he had appeared, he was gone again. Lifting my head as high as I could with the pain that shot up my spine at any movement I saw him close the door. I closed my eyes and fell back onto the couch with a sob as I heard him lock it. Was this going to be my life again now? I knew it must have been too good to be true. There was no way I could ever have ended up with Tyler. This is where I belonged. Hurt and crying under some cruel, terrible alpha.


Judging by the clock, it was nearly midnight. I have been in this miserable cell for hours, with nothing to do but wonder what the hell was going on if Ivory was okay. At first, I had been hopeful that I would only be here for a short time, but now that possibility seemed more and more unlikely.

A call came from the intercom overhead, "Dunwood, Tyler to the door. Dunwood, Tyler to the door." I jumped up, crossing the small room in a few strides to stand in front of the heavy metal door. It opened with a mechanical whir, and I was cuffed again by the officer waiting for me. We walked down a short hallway, before he showed me into a meeting room with a large pane of one way glass on the wall. At the table in the middle of the room, Officer Boone was looking through a file.

Sitting down across from her, I waited with bated breath for her to say something-anything. Finally, she looked up at me, "Tyler, something strange is going on here." "What? What does that mean?" She sighed and set her folder aside. "Sorry, I should clarify. Not with your charge, that's being handled by a different division. I work with special victims cases only, I'm here to talk about Ivory."

"Ivory? How is he? Is he okay? Did you get him off the floor? He likes the quiet so you should keep him in that office. And does he have my blanket? That'll help him feel safe. Can I see him? Is he responding to you-" the words tumbled from my mouth in an uncontrollable stream before Officer Boone cut me off. "Tyler, slow down. He's still in that office, and he has the blanket. I haven't seen him, but the chief said he was fine when he checked on him."

My eyes snapped up to meet hers. "The chief? Why was he in there? He'll scare Ivory, he should not be in there. Were they alone? How long was it-" she cut me off again, "Tyler please, we need to talk about what's going on with his case." I took a deep breath and nodded, trying to cool off my nerves as Boone turned her file around to show me what she was looking at. Immediately, I gagged, "Oh god-why are you... why are showing me this?"

It was a photo of Ivory, his wrists and ankles tied to the posts of a bed. He was passed out or drugged, his head lolling to the side. "I know it's difficult to see this, but there's something very important in this image." She said, pointing to the corner of the photo that showed the wall of the room. "This outlet. It's a standard, double panel American outlet." I nodded, slightly confused as to why that was relevant, "Um, sure, looks normal to me."

She turned the page and I looked away when I saw the image. Ivory was obviously drugged, his eyes hazy as he looked up at the camera around his mouthful. "I know Tyler just, just look at this." I followed her pen to the spot she was pointing at, and suddenly I knew why it was important. "That's a European outlet, the kind they had in France when I visited." "Exactly." Said Boone, closing the file and sitting back in her chair.

"We have a much bigger issue here. From the looks of it, Ivory was trafficked. We don't know exactly where, or for how long, but he has definitely been the victim of sex crimes in multiple countries." I sighed and closed my eyes, not wanting to believe what I was hearing. All this time, through his interview and his time at the hospital and everything we had gone through, we had been asking about his stepdad, what had happened to him at home. I could never have imagined the scale of what I was discovering about this poor omega.

Officer Boone was speaking again, I looked back up at her. "This means that Ivory's case is no longer within my jurisdiction. The FBI has a team on their way, they will be dealing with this case because it crosses international borders." My mind was working fast, considering all the possibilities. "What does this mean for him, for Ivory? Will they take him somewhere else?" She paused for a moment before answering, "I've explained the situation to them. Of course they understand the severity of this case, I'm sure they'll want to do whatever they can to make this as easy as possible for Ivory."

"But... but that doesn't mean they'll let him stay here, does it?" "Honestly Mr Dunwood, I have no idea what they'll decide to do. For Ivory's sake, and yours, I hope they'll let him stay. But I also know that they're going to do whatever they need to do to close the case, especially since there might be other victims involved." I nodded dejectedly. Somehow, some way, the situation that I thought was as bad as possible, had just become worse. From my position it seemed that there was nothing I could do but wait, and hope.

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