Singhasan Battisi

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After Sanchi and Lakshman left for Hastinapur, the training of Vikramaditya began. Vinay was excused from the sabha to train Vikramaditya. He did his best to train him with one hand working. After sabha, Vanshika would train him till lunch, then she would go and train the soldiers herself till evening, then after her evening pooja to all the tridevs and tridevis, she would once again train Vikramaditya.

It was the 6th day of her becoming a queen, she had called Vinay and Vikramaditya in the court too as she wanted to discuss an important matter. Vasudev had returned to Dwarka. Her mind came up with an idea. She told the dwarpal not to announce her arrival that day and went inside the courtroom quietly. She looked around and saw that Vinay was standing beside Vikramaditya with his uninjured hand on his waist while the latter was seated on his asan, both of them were discussing something. She then looked at other courtiers also. One was lying on his asan as if it was a sofa, one was sitting on it cross-legged. Three of them were standing together deep in discussion. Two were sitting on the floor. No one had maintained the decorum of the court except mahamantri Daksh, who was seated in his place and was looking at everyone sighing and shaking his head, he noticed her arrival and stood up. She placed her finger on her lips indicating to remain quiet. She then crossed her arms across her chest and waited for them to notice her. She stood there for 10 minutes and surprisingly no one noticed her there.

Sighing, she went and sat on her throne and looked at Daksh, who just shrugged. After 5 more minutes she sighed and said,"If you all are done then lets start the court proceedings." They all looked towards her startled to see her there. "Maharani how did you come inside?" asked one of the ministers. "From the door, mantri ji" she said as if it was obvious. Everyone straightened there appearance and sat on their respective place. "Arey, whats the need to sit properly, stand up its alright as its not a court its a garden where you all can do whatever you like." Vanshika said sarcasm dripping from her voice. All of them lowered their eyes in shame.

"Tell me one thing, do you all stay like this everyday till I come or you did this great act today?" She asked interestedly. "They do this everyday, maharani" Daksh said seeing that no one else was. "And you are telling this now?"Vanshika turned to him. "Umm....maharani.....actually-" he started but was interrupted by her. "Well, leave it. But I have teach you all discipline. Today no one will leave the palace after the court is adjourned. You all will follow me in the practice area." She said glaring at everyone.

"Me too?" Vinay asked from his seat. "Why are you special?" Vanshika asked him. "Well my hand is fractured" Vinay answered. "You right hand is fractured, left one is in good shape moreover your legs are working just fine and Mahamantri Daksh, before you ask yes you too as you did not tell this to me earlier." Vanshika said glaring at Vinay and Daksh, they nodded and the court proceedings began.

After 2 hours, Vanshika said,"Now the matter I wanted to discuss is that we should start self-defense classes for women in our rajya." All of them exchanged looks and one of them said,"but maharani what is the need of it?" "There is need for it mantri ji, look women should be able to defend themselves if situation arises. They should not just shout and scream for someone for help." She looked at everyone while saying this. All the courtiers agreed and she declared that she herself will teach them. "Court Adjourned and you all follow me." saying this Vanshika stood up and went towards the door. They all followed her. They walked till the practice area.

"Everyone in line, quick." Vanshika said commandingly and clapped her hands once. "Now you all will do 20 rounds of this arena without stopping." She looked at each and everyone. When none of them moved she said,"Do I need to spell everything? Move now." They all started running around the arena. The arena was very big in itself and a person can get very tired after only 10 rounds. She sat on a chair and took out her phone and clicked a picture of them and posted on Instagram.

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