First Treasure: Stolen

Start from the beginning

"Oh, Ann," I mused. "Why do you think I brought two of you?" Your face turned to the male. "Skull, get it to chase you."

"What?!" he whined. "Why me?"

"Because you're faster than either of us, that's why," you retorted. "Now, do it!"

"Fine, I'll try to draw it out," he grumbled. You dragged Ann further into the corner, hiding away from the door so the shadow couldn't see you two when it came running out. You gave the thumbs-up, and Ryuji pounded harshly on the door. "Hey!" he called out. "There are some weird people over here!" He began to ran, continuously yelling for help. The shadow came running out and after Ryuji's voice. You and Ann stepped out from behind the plant and quickly entered the room.

"Is he going to be okay?" Ann worriedly questioned. "What if the shadow catches up to him?"

"Don't worry," you soothed with a gentle smile. "I have faith in Ryuji." Ann felt reassured by your words. Something about them just spoke that everything would be okay, no matter what happened in the future. She admired your trust in Ryuji, and she hopes that one day she can achieve as strong a bond as the one between you two.

You glanced out the window up to the ceiling, waiting for Yusuke signal to cut the power. Pretty soon afterward, you could see Yusuke wave from the boards hanging from the ceiling. "That's Fox's signal!" Ann exclaimed.

"That means he and Morgana are ready to go," you concluded. "Good luck, everyone. Let's do this." With that said, you slammed your finger down on the power button. The lights shut out, and you and Ann were left in almost total darkness. "Come on," you said, turning to her. "Let's make our way back to the others." She nodded, and the two of you ran out of the room, mindful not to crash into anything.

Eventually, you both made your way back to the switch room. Akira and Yusuke were standing in wait. "Sorry for the wait!" Ann apologized.

"It was a little hard to navigate in the dark," you excused. Not too long after you and Ann arrived.

"My bad!" he said, a little out of breath. "It took me ages to get that guy off my trail." You smiled under your mask and gave him a firm hug. Ryuji's cheeks slightly flared at the contact, but he happily returned your gesture. You pulled away after a couple seconds.

"I'm glad you made it back safe," you stated.

"Wait, where's Mona?" Ann questioned.

"Let's reconvene with Mona!" Yusuke said. You all climbed up the latter, and the others easily jumped over the boards. You faltered for a second, but you weren't going to be left behind. You took a small breath and hopped across the boards with everyone else. What do you know? It wasn't that bad. Morgana slowly raised up with the hook, the treasure in his paws. He chuckled mischievously.

"How's that for a skilled plan?"

"That was amazin', Mona!" Ryuji complimented. Akira unhooked Morgana, and the cat placed the covered treasure on the plank next to him. "So?" questioned the blond. "What'd the treasure turn out bein'? I'm guessin' it's a painting based on the shape."

"We can look into that later," Yusuke huffed. "For now, we must escape."

"Yeah, it's time to go," Morgana agreed.

"Guards are swarming the area, so we can't exit the way we came in," you explained. Akira thought for a few seconds before a smirk overtook his features.

"I know exactly where to go," he said, hopping across the boards. You huffed, not liking where this was going. You hopped from one board to the next, and you all ended up at a window.

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