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A week had long past since you had begun living with Izumi and she had been nothing but kind to you.

At first, she didn't let you help out at all but after you insisted that it would be better for your shoulder if you moved it around a bit, she would begrudgingly let you cut the vegetables for lunch and dinner.

As of right now, you had just finished doing the said task; chopping the carrots and potatoes for the curry she was making. When you turned your head to the calander hung from her wall, you flinched a bit when you realised that you were just five days away from Christmas.

If you remember correctly, it would have been your first ever Christmas with your family and friends since you had always spent your Christmas in Osaka, with your annoying aunts.

Just when you were looking forward for it this year, you had to deal with the problem of the stupid Yakuza hunting you down.

A sad sigh unconsciously left your lips and Izumi was quick to take notice of it. Placing the rice in the rice cooker, she stood back for a moment before turning to you with a smile, "[Name]?"

You perked up immediately and answered, "Yes?"

"Are you alright?" The question caught you off guard, "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

She stared at you for a good minute until she sighed and nodded, letting you off the hook for now. With that done, you turned to cleaning the vegetables one more time before giving them to Izumi to cook.

Five days...

Wait... Didn't Takemichi-kun say that you got killed on Christmas in the last timeline?

A feeling of dread filled your body. You hadn't gotten any new visions as of recent and the lack of them only scared you. God, with all this Yakuza thing going on, you completely forgot about the fact that Toman was still having beef with the Back Dragons!! What if Kisaki takes your absence as a chance to take over Toman?! What if he coaxes Manjirō into thinking that he can help you, but he'll just use Manjirō and then kill everyone?

Who are you kidding? Of course, he's going to take advantage of your absence!! Not to mention Mikey himself!

"I'll... I'll kill everyone if you leave me!!"

Mikey's words resonated in your head, sending a shiver up your spine. Oh, God no...

How could you be so foolish to completely forget about your gang?! Idiot, idiot, idiot!! You're such an idiot!!

Takemichi-kun!! You need to get in contact with Takemichi-kun!! But... Your phone isn't with you... And you can't recall his number from the top of your head.

What to do? Oh, what to do?

Wait... Chifuyu!! You can just call him!! You remember his number too!!

You didn't even realise the growing smile forming on your lips as Izumi took the vegetables from you, "My, looks like someone's in a good mood today~" Your eyes widened and you peered at the older lady through your lashes, making sure to use your puppy eyes to convince her, "Izumi-san!! Can we call someone?!"

She seemed a but shocked with your sudden request, "H-Huh?"

"Can I call one of my friends? I promise I won't let anyone know our location!"

"But... But what if they listen in on us? I'm not too sure about how, but I watched this one movie in where the Yakuza tapewires the protagonist!!"

Oh sweet, sweet Izumi-san...

"Only the government can listen in on calls, besides... If it puts you at ease, then I won't be the one doing the talking!"

"Eh?! Then... I will?"

"Don't worry, I'll use code names! You just need to relay a small message to a few people so that they know I'm safe and they don't worry!"

"But... wouldn't it be best to lay low until you get better?"

"I'd love to do that, but I'm afraid if I don't let my friends know I'm safe, they might try to pick a fight with the Izanami-gumi themselves..." She stared at you sulk, before heaving a sigh and nodding, walking over to the telephone to make the call.

You gave her Chifuyu's number, and you heard the bell ring. When he finally picked up, your heart began to race as his voice resonated through the phone.

You almost felt yourself getting teary eyed when you heard such a familiar voice after that gruelling hellhole from the Izanami-gumi.

"Hello, this is Chifuyu Matsuno speaking."

Izumi-san staggered a bit in surprise, but managed to compose herself and begin, "H-Hello! Uh... Matsuno Chifuyu-san, right? Uh... " You began to write out what you wanted her to say.

"Um, do you know Takemichi-kun?" Chifuyu paused for a moment before speaking up, "Uh, yeah? More importantly, who are you?"

"35.0937° North, and 134.3277° East... is okay! They are safe and alive! So you don't have to fight the Yakuza!" She declared in the phone and you nodded at her side. Chifuyu let out a sound of confusion so she told him to write it down.

"Please! Write this down!! 35.0937° North, 134.3277° East is safe! Don't start the fight!" You could hear Chifuyu fumbling around his room, trying to find something to jot down the numbers. The moment you figured that he had written it all down, you immediately made Izumi hang up.

Let's hope they end up getting your message.


Chifuyu scratched his head as he continued to stare at the random arrangement of numbers in front of him. Honestly, he had no idea what they meant so he was waiting for Takemicchi and Baji-san to arrive so they could ponder over it together.

Also, what did the person mean by not getting in a fight with the Yakuza? Did she know that Toman was going against the Izanami-gumi?

Just then, Takemicchi entered the room to inform the undercutted male that Baji had managed to get grounded by his mother, again, after he punched an old man in the subway. So the ravenette probably wouldn't make it here.

"Oi, Takemicchi! Come check this out."

As Chifuyu explained the entire ordeal to the faux blonde, he couldn't help but add in, "I have no idea what these numbers mean, or what North or East has anything to do with this."

"Wait, Chifuyu..." The time traveler spoke up, his breathing hitched when he pulled out his phone and typed in those numbers in the search engine.

Their eyes widened as both boys stared at the phone in shock.

Those were... the Coordinates for Musashi Shrine...


Musashi Shrine...


Don't fight the Yakuza...

Something clicked in their heads when they recalled your title; the Coordinate of Toman.

It was a message from you... telling them that you were safe, and that Mikey should be stopped before he ends up fighting the Izanami-gumi...

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