Happy Birthday Kazutora Part 2

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I'm running out of birthday ideas, help-

anyways, I've decided to just wing it... Oh well, HBD to our lovely bananatora!


Summer burned the canals dry.

It wasn't a pleasant warmth or any of that sort. It was suffocating; Kazutora felt suffocated.

As he sat in his room, his form drapped on the bed lazily, he wondered just how long it had been since he had seen you. He didn't want to annoy you by calling you, but what bothered him is that you were with that Mikey...

That same bastard who was the reason why he went to juvie in the first place...

Whenever Kazutora thought about Mikey, he felt his blood boiling at the memories of the police handcuffing him and Mikey just standing there... watching him...

But worst of all... Sano Manjirō had managed to manipulate even you into thinking that somehow Kazutora was the one behind Shinichirō being the hospital.

With a soft sigh, the yellow eyes male turned to his window and peered outside to watch the birds fly away. One of them was circling around another one, perhaps a couple?

Just seeing the birds have a good life pissed him off as well, but it also sparked some sort of hope in him. If these birds can get their lovers, who's to say that Kazutora can't have you?

After all, he loved you more than anything and anyone, even his own mother. In fact... he'd kill her for you, anyday. He'd kill anyone for you, frankly.

"Ah... So boring..." He muttered to himself, raising a finger and wiping the dust off of his window. He stared hardly at the window before ultimately settling for drawing your pretty face on his window.

With just his finger as his paintbrush, the boy set to work on his artwork. Each line, each curve, each stroke... They all slowly merged together, sculpting into a messy drawing that remotely resembled you.

Kazutora leaned back a bit into his bed to take a look at his art piece, grinning at how cute you looked. It really didn't compare to your beauty, but that's fine! He kind of expected that, since he's no artist.

"So pretty... So, so pretty..." He whispered, hovering his fingers over the messy drawing he made. He didn't want to ruin it so he didn't dare touch it any further.

Ah, Kazutora misses you, so damn much!!

With a rough growl, he picked up his phone and dialled Baji's number. Ever since you stopped texting him, Baji did as well. Apparently, they were all really affected by Draken's death who died an year ago or something. He knew that after Draken's death, you still kept in touch with Kazutora, but about 1 month ago... All contact stopped.

Sure, Kazutora was sad about Draken's death, but he didn't care that much. After all, Draken was such a kissass for Mikey, that the yellow eyed boy kind of thought that he deserved to die.

But no one can say that you're the same... Oh, no! You're not like Draken! You're not a dog for Mikey like he was, you're just being manipulated by Mikey, that's all!

With a frown tugging on his lips, he kept on dialing Baji's number, ultimately deciding that calling him on his house number wouldn't be wrong of him.

With that in his mind, Kazutora ringed him up. Staring hardly at the floor under him, he waited and waited. No response.

About to hang up on the phone, Kazutora was surprised when someone finally picked it up, "Hello? Baji Household." The woman on the phone spoke and for some reason, Kazu didn't know what to start with.

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