Part 12 : Catching Up!

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"How can she do that?" Ally said taking support of the study table and throwing her hands up in the air.

After school we all decided to meet at my house for Halloween's prep. I and Vishie told about Ms. Watson's orders for me to sing English song and all the 3 faces were not believing her for doing so.

"She said the chairperson personally want Sam to sing that!" Vishie says telling her side as well.

"So, what are you gonna do now?" James asks accepting the reality.

"What to do! Just sing an English song." I reply grabbing my guitar and placing it on my lap to tune it.

"By the way..." Joe says with a cheeky smile. "Won't it be so amazing to hear you sing our fav songs." And kept his hands on his left side.

"That's true!" The couple says with full agreement.

"But Hindi has his own perks you know." Vishie says high fiving me.

"Can't disagree!" James states as a matter of fact.

"Okay! We'll discuss on this later on." I say grabbing everyone's attention. "First tell me what to prepare for, I am already a week late." I say eyeing Ally and she mouthed a 'Sorry' with her hands on her ears. I couldn't stop myself from smiling and forgave her. She blows a kiss mouthing 'Love you' and I enacted to catch it place in my heart.

We hear some weird throat voices, and found the 3 boys staring us with arms crossed across their broad chests. We couldn't stop laughing.

"Done?" the 3 asks in unison.

"Never!" we say proudly and laughing again.

The 3 dropped their hands and shook their heads not believing us.

"What's up?" Ishaan barges into my room. "Oh! Ally James Joe! The 3 musketeers. And... my buddy Vishie. All together?" Ishaan says looking at every figure present in my room.

"Oh hi bro! what's up?" James had a fist bump with Ishaan.

"All good! What about you? Sorted or still hanging?" Ishaan asks laughing.

James handed over their engagement card as an answer.

"Woah!! Congrats both! Finally..." Ishaan wishes with genuine love and looking at the paper in his hands.

James side hugged her girl and both thanked him.

After all the 'What's ups' with everyone we all came out in the living room. Everyone spreading themselves comfortably with the work assigned to them with soft music in background.

Ally and James were covering up the work they missed, Joe was doing his assignment, Ishaan was with his laptop, and I and Vishie was practicing for the tunes for the songs we finally selected.

"Guys we'll be back in a minute" I inform as Vishie got in my room with his guitar, getting a thumbs up from ally and Ishaan.


"I don't know but I am so damn nervous." I tell the tall figures around me fidgeting my fingers.

"Shh... calm down. Everything's gonna be okay. Okay!" ally rubs my back to calm me down. I nodded slightly at her.

"Wanna get rid of this nervousness?" Ishaan showed up with a grin. I quickly nodded at him exactly wanting that.

"Here!" he shoved his phone to me.

"Da-- Oh my god! Papa!" I say not at all expecting the face to see at this time, but I was soo happy that tears started brimming.

"Shh... Rona kyun hai?" {Shh... Why to cry?} he says trying to make me stop crying.

The Ring She Had on Her FingerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin