Part 10 : A.L.L.Y.

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Vishie’s POV-

After coming out of Sammie’s room we both landed on the couch to resume our last round. While we played I had my stuck up to the whole incident of me sharing my past with her.

I don’t know why, but I felt that I CAN share this with her. But the thing is I never felt like talking about this to anyone before then why to her? But whatever be the reason, I genuinely felt so good. The way she sat beside me and rubbed my back, it felt relaxing, even her presence is relaxing. However, I still can’t figure out who I resemble, that she knows……

And while I was thinking about all this, our game too ended, and Ishaan won. We closed the setup and sat again on the couch.

“You sound quite possessive regarding Sammie. Are you guys a thing or something like that?” I asked turning towards Ishaan.

“Oh! No! no! just…… I love her soo much.” He says thinking about Sammie.

What!? It’s clearly visible on his face.

“You love love her?” I asked with utter astonishment.

“Hey! Noo! Stop your thoughts buddy. She’s not what you think.” He tells reading my facial expression.

“Ooh…” I say in a bit relaxing tone.

“But you know what she makes me feel this house a home. When she came here for the first time, I couldn’t stop looking at her angelic figure. I lost my family when I was 14. Though my uncle-aunt gave me everything but you know, family, own family is something irreplaceable. But she! She fills up that void. She’ll be childish like a younger sister, then will guide me like an elder one, will take care of me like a mother and would scold me like a dad. Saves me like grandma and loves me like grandpa. And will be my partner in crime like a brother. She is my whole family you know. She came so close to me in such a short time.” He says with smile all the time, he talks about her.
“I didn’t know she means that much to you.” I try to communicate with same feelings.

“Yeah! But god has other plans. She’ll be going back to India after completing her masters. Leaving me alone. Again!” a disappointing smile comes on his faces realizing the reality.

“Why not you too accompany her?” is what I thought would be best to suggest.

“Because I have a world here too. My job, my friends, my uncle-aunt.” he says with an unreadable expression on his face.

“But she won’t be here. Your family!” I try to support my suggestion.

“I don’t know.” He shrugs off.

“Hey! But she’s here for 2 more years’ buddy. Chill! At least enjoy this time with her.” I say patting his shoulder.

He was nodding till we heard a voice coming from behind, “Ishaan!”

“Oh! Sam! You up? Did we disturb you?” Ishaan asks with a concerned voice.

“Stop that. Come here.” Sam commands spreading her arms.

“Umm…???” he takes slow steps towards totally confused.

“Come na!” she spreads her arms more and indicates with her hands to come faster.

“Arre tu ro kyu rahi hai? Bura sapna dekha?” {Why are you crying? Any nightmare?} he asks as she embraces her small figure in Ishaan’s big built body.

“Shut up. And I am not leaving you okay!” she says hitting his chest and hugging more tightly.

“Sacchi?” {Really?} his voice gets heavy, clearly telling he’s holding back his tears.

“I love you yrr…” she cries.

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