Part 4 : A Good Observer Or A Stalker!?

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My day was going well. I had coding classes, then data-base management and next I was gonna have is Music. It's my personal favorite here. My professor here, Ms. Watson is so frank to us, she is the first one I'll ever go to whenever I'm in any trouble. I took all my stuff needed for this class went straight to music room. And as always I was welcomed with the warmest smile by Ms. Watson. I went in & took my seat. Within 5 mins. everyone was in the class, I mean except those typical bunkers.

"So, my dear smoky hot people, I recently got some orders from the high authorities about your seating arrangements." As soon as she ended, classroom was filled with 'Ohh!', 'Damn', 'Nooo', sighs and many different sounds.

"Yeah! And this has to be followed till the 'inspection' thing isn't done. I've the seating arrangement list which is also sent by them only. So, I request everyone to come to my desk as soon as I call their names and take the assigned seat along with their partners." She completed and started doing the same, half of them were happy, some were sad and to some it doesn't affect a bit. And I come in the last category, until I found my partner was the new joiner, Vishie.

"Here you go child!" I went to take my paper, as she called my name.

"Miss! Are you sure, this guy is my partner!" I ask her looking at the carefree expression on my 'to be partner's' face.

"Yes! Don't worry, he won't disturb you. Also, its beneficial for you only! He's too good at guitar, you can learn it from him." She says convincing me.

Ok maybe I should try this.

The whole class went like this, arranging the seats, partners and Ms. Watson explaining some rules to be followed till the inspection.

Soon it was break time and I went to the cafeteria along with... well no one. The loner me!

As I kept my things back into the locker and grabbed my tiffin, I felt someone behind me and I could feel the hand about to tap on my shoulder. Easing the work for the person behind me, I myself turned around to find the person and that was none other than my partner.

"Yes?" I ask, trying not to be rude as he stood like a statue there.

"Umm... I was... I was actually..." he hesitates trying to form a meaningful sentence ig!

"Speak fast! I need to go to the cafeteria as well." I say looking at my wrist watch.

"Oh! So, we can talk there if you......" he offers. Well nothing bad, I'll get someone to be with me today!

"Ah! Ok! Come along." I say agreeing.

He follows me as I entered the cafeteria. We both took a place where there is less noice, and the beautiful view of the campus can be seen.

"So, what you were saying?" I ask taking a bite from my sandwich.

"Umm..." he hesitates.

"Don't hesitate. I won't eat you up!" I say assuring him.

"Yeah! Actually, I am new here! It's only been a month since I joined this college." he starts, with not looking at me & forming senseless figures on the top of his tiffin.

"Yeah! I see... so?" I ask being impatient as he's taking too much time to speak, still concentrating on my sandwich.

"So, I wanted you to tutor me! If you can!" he finally says, still not making an eye-contact.

"Me? tutor? You?" I ask being surprised, & putting my leftover sandwich in tiffin.

"Yes!" he says, finally making the eye-contact.

"But why? I don't think that we have same subjects even! Just minors are common!" I say as a matter of fact, and offering him some sandwich with gestures to which he nodded in no only.

"Um... yes but we have data management also, though my professor is Mr. Jackson." he explains.

"Oohh!!" I say with mentally admiring my sandwich. I mean along with listening him. "Then, ask someone from your batch na!" I continue.

"Actually, all there are high standards one! You know the 'rich-rich'. Also, they live far from where I live." That's the point. I got it. Implying that he's from the batch I hate the most. Though I haven't told anyone about it.

"Oh, where are you staying now?" maybe, this way he'll hesitate less.

"Street-12!" he finally starts to eat.

"Oh! Me too! But never saw you!" I say trying to remember, if I've seen him or not.

"That's because you rarely come out of your house!" he states as matter-of-fact.

"Umm... oh ya! But how do you know about it?" I ask him suspiciously.

"I actually see you daily walking down the street with ear pods for college." Oh... a good observer! Or maybe a stalker. Stop thinking like that at least when he's right in front of you. My subconscious scolds me.

"So... can I? only if you are comfortable!" he asks. Wait! But about what? The tutoring Dumbo. My subconscious reminds.

"Umm... today it won't be possible. Tomorrow! Yes, tomorrow around 5 in the eve." I say not letting him know about my convo with my subconscious.

"Goes for me!" he says happily as he took the last bite.

"Great! See ya!" I say closing my tiffin.

"Yeah! Thank you again." He says getting up.

"No need." I too got up and we parted our ways.


Pardon me for any Typo!

Do tell me in the comments how am I going. And suggestions are always welcomed.

Also.. do share it with your friends and family please... the reads are 44... please help me reach 50+🥺

Love you all!

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