As the ship entered 100 nautical miles of the coast, his ship's radar detected aircraft approaching his vessel at an incredible speed. In fact, it is indicated that they are approaching at about Mach 1.2, a feat no Milishial aircraft have achieved as of yet. The crew could only watch the displays in awe as the aircraft flew by, amazed by the incredible speed of the aircraft.

It was at this time that their radio went off. This radio was made for communications with non-magical nations, mainly Mu. However, at this point, they weren't surprised to have to use this contraption anymore, especially due to rumours that the Americans do not use magic. However, they always thought that the rumours of American tech prowess were exaggerated, for they themselves had not achieved supersonic flight. The closest they had come is when an Alpha-4 went into a dive and reached an incredible speed of 92 percent the speed of sound. Never had they seen any aircraft do it in level flight.

<<Unknown vessel, identify yourself. You have entered territorial waters of the United States of America. State which nation sent you, and your purpose here.>>

The crew flinched at how…terrible the accent was. It was only barely understandable. However, there was still a minor debate on the bridge over what response should be given. Answering honestly will obviously arouse suspicion, especially since they came in on a warship. On the other hand, was it really worth it to lie? If they are to be future tools, wouldn't it be better if the tools learnt to trust them from the start? The debate went on for a while until the radio came to life again.

<<Unidentified vessel, please respond. If you do not, we would be forced to take action against you with anti-ship missiles. Please respond, over >>

The captain quickly headed over and responded through radio.

<I am Captain Henderson of the Prince of Lot, a ship from the Holy Milishial Empire. We are on a diplomatic mission from the empire.>

There was silence for a moment, then the pilot responded.

<<Very well…ships will escort you to shore. However, you are approaching the territories ownes by Louria, which has been designated unsafe. Instead, a few ships would escort you into a safer port. Try anything funny, and we will be forced to retaliate.>>

The captain was unsure what to make of it. On one hand, their ship wasn't blown out of the water by an…anti-ship missile? He only heard of them being in the experimental stage, nowhere near being adopted. And yet, here he is, listening to some foreign nation talk about it like it is something they just have in their arsenal to throw at their enemies. It truly is bizarre. And yet, he could almost believe it. Perhaps the rumors aren't too far-fetched after all.

On the other hand, there is the part about former Lourian territories being unsafe. He wasn't sure what that meant, though there were news that the region was dealing with some unrest. He took note of it, it would be something his higher-ups would find interesting. He made sure to remember to bring it up later during talks with the Americans.

<Understood,> the captain replied. On his displays, the American aircraft broke off and flew away at breakneck speeds. Captain Henderson looked forward to see what kind of people the Americans are.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Oval Office, White House, New Washington, United States of America

President MacPherson once more listened to the briefings on meeting a new nation. He is starting to get sick of meeting nations who send a warship for basic diplomatic meetings. Could these bastards stop sending fucking warships? he thought internally. Why does everyone practice gunboat diplomacy? However, he kept his silence. No point asking it out loud.

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