Cognitive Memory (Chapter 42)

Start from the beginning

Takemi: What did you have in mind?

You: Is it safe to wake up and go back into a comatose state multiple times?

Takemi: What do you mean? I guess there is nothing wrong with it, the only thing I would say is you will have trouble sleeping sometimes and your body might need to have a small moment to move again. Other than that, it's pretty safe. What did you think you had in mine?

You: What if I undergo this deep sleep, you see what you can do for me here and I try to fix myself inside my cognition.

Takemi: Are you saying you want to make it a regular thing? I suggest we put you under as soon as we can and have you stay under until you get better.

You: If I knew that before starting school and making the bonds with people and promises, I would have agreed to it in an instant. But I got to try my best to graduate this year, I got an important job opportunity that will solidify my future career, I have people who depend on me to be there for them. If we can still shave time by choosing a couple days to have me under go the experiment and then wake me up so I can have my days to do what I need to do, it would work.

Takemi: That is still a lot you are doing, it will put a strain on you mentally you know.

You: I already put that in my calculations so it's fine. I just want to be normal again..

Takemi: *Sighs* What a troublesome young man you are.

You: *Soft Chuckle* Sorry for being trouble for you.

Takemi: Don't sweat it, I am learning a lot from you anyways so I guess it is a fair trade between us. If we are going to do this, what days do you need and what days are you going to be under for.

You: We will start every week on Saturday afternoon. That is when I am done with school for a bit. Then Sunday shouldn't be a problem to stay under. Monday morning is when we should wake up. So I don't miss school and we get about 36 hours every week to make progress.

Takemi: I am impressed, you were able to come up with a decent plan with all the factors.

You: It was nothing really, I do have a excellent mind to think.

Takemi: No kidding. So in the meantime, I will get working on your doses and get it ready for Saturday afternoon. That is when we will have our first session.

You: Correct. Also if it isn't too much trouble.

Takemi: What do you need?

You: Is it possible you can create a legitimate document for my school so they know if I can't attend some school related activities due to medical reasons?

Takemi: Hmm.. That shouldn't be too much of a problem. I can get it ready to go and sent to your school, Shujin Academy correct?

You: That is correct! Thank you!

Takemi: Don't thank me yet, we got a lot of work on our hands now that you have this plan. I am holding you up for it.

You: Thanks Takemi.

Takemi: I think you spent enough time here, get going to school. You'll be late if you stay any longer.

You: S..Shoot! You're right! See ya!

You barge out of her office with your bag for school intact and head towards the station and take the train to school. The whole time riding the train, you feel hope restored as your answer to your condition is at hand now. You decide you need to break the news to everyone about it. Hoping that they would understand, however the excitement starts to waver as you feel a slight mood swing occur as you feel depressed and lack energy. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the reflection of the window and for a brief moment you see yourself once again shrouded in shadows, wearing the armor from before, your eyes peering red like blood. It shakes you as you can't forget that ever since the curse was complete and sealed deep within your very being, you have been feeling odd. Breathing heavily you try to not panic for a moment until the train stops at the station and you head out, on your way to school.....

Thank you guys for reading this chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it! Finally a true solution to the grand problem! However there are dark forces working behind the scenes that will make it a challenging trial. What will happen now? Find out next time!!

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