Arc 5.3

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The butler looked at the empty hallway: ...
He was completely at lost. He took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Hello." A stern voice sounded from the other side.

"Good day, Eldest Young Master." The butler respectfully replied.

Aside from taking care of Shen, the butler's role was also to report everything that is unfamiliar or "threatening" around him.

After Yoshan heard of it, he clearly froze for a while. "Leave it for now."

"Yes, Eldest young master."

After the phone call ends, Yoshan at the other side could be seen dialing a number with a worried and complicated expression, a beep sounded and,

"Hello, hello...big bro, what'cha calling for?" Moyan's voice was clearly heard in the silent office.

"What!? The eldest is calling? So rare, ah!" Another voice that belonged to the other twin, Moyin, sounded.

Yoshan grimaced. He opened his mouth and spoke seriously as if in a meeting, "The youngest has found a pair."



The twins shouted at the same time.

"You heard it right. The two of you go home early. We'll invite his pair. I'm gonna call him now."


"I wonder who's this man!"
Shen who heard his siblings' entire conversation through his system laughed so badly. His shoulders shaking and eyes tearing.

"Baby, so happy?" Yun Kai amusedly asked.

Due to his laughing, Shen did not reply for a while and Yun Kai did not mind it. Just as he thought he wont talk anymore, he heard Shen 'hmphed'. "Since you kissed me, you must take responsibility!!" His actions suits a highschool boy childishly threatening the person who takes his interest.

"Baby is so domineering. Okay, listen to you." Hearing it, Yun Kai put their foreheads together happily.

Shen blushed at his hubby's gaze. He unconciously blurted out, "My husband, why are you always so handsome and cool."

He did not questioned.

His husband's appearance though still have some similarity from the previous worlds, still holds a unique presence, as always.

The mole under his left eye, sharp nose, foxy eyes, thin mouth, and natural blonde hair. His body also look slim when gazed afar, however...

Shen looked at his hubby up and down, visible bulging muscles can be clearly seen and Shen could 100 percent feel it as they are in close contact, showing that the owner regularly exercise.

Shen was suddenly kissed for the second round.

Yun Kai narrowed his foxy eyes as he looked towards his baby who has his eyes closed as they kissed not aggressively but in a soft manner. His blood earlier boiled when he heard the love of his life called him 'husband'.

A phone call suddenly rang interrupting the two's intimacy. Shen separated first and took out the phone from his pocket. He steadied his breathing while resting his head in his husband's chest before answering the call.

"Hello." A stern voice sounded from the other side. Yun Kai immediately frowned at it.

'Alpha!' Yun Kai's thoughts quickly wandered somewhere. His temper became irritable but instead of instantly questioning Shen or forcefully ending the call or even tightening his hold of him, Yun Kai just bit his lower lip releasing a very aggrieved pheremones.

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