Arc 3. 11

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The next day, the news has reached the ears of all the nobles as well as the commoners. It was truly messy. Various stories were made up by the people indicating the 'reasons' behind the conspiracy.

Today, the emperor has sentenced Wang Haoran to life imprisonment. Contrary to the expected trouble that may encounter putting him to jail, Wang Haoran was quiet. To be exact, his eyes souless.

Turns out that the night before, Zhou Ya visited him and they had an 'interesting' conversation.
"You looked pathetic." She laughed.

Wang Haoran glared at her. "What did I do you wrong? As far as I can remember, I did not touched you and that family of yours!"

Zhou Ya coldly replied, "In this life you did not, rather, I avoided it! Everything happening to you now is a retribution for everything you've done!"

Before Wang Haoran could even retort, he watched as Zhou Ya turned her back on him.

That night, his eyes were heavy and he unconciously slept. He had a very interesting dream that gave him terror.

He dreamed that he was finally an emperor. Having Zhou Ya as his wife and Bai Daiyu as his concubine. How Bai Daiyu told him that his main wife, Zhou Ya is going to betray him by telling her family about his relationship with the barbarians. He imprisoned her to keep her mouth shut. He really did not plan on killing Zhou Ya. In fact, this was never his plan.

However, 2 months later, he did not expect that Bai Daiyu would suddenly stick the knife to Zhou Ya's heart intending to kill her, which she did not fail.

Wang Haoran watched in his dreams how the Zhou family fell under his hands just because of the weak Zhou Ya.

In the last part of his dream, he was frightened when he saw Zhou Ya faced him creepily. Constantly saying she'll take revenge.

The dream felt surreal that Wang Haoran woke up drenched in sweat and tears. He found himself murmuring "sorry, please forgive me."
The next following days, his nightmares always repeating and even worsen making him woke up in the middle of the night constantly murmuring the words 'sorry' and 'forgive me' making the guards on duty fabbled.

He seemed to have lost his mind.

Once the news reached the ears of the people, some said that retribution has come to hunt him. While others said that he's thoroughly lost his mind due to the dark surrounding he has to face every day in the prison.

The emperor remained deaf. Zhou Ya, despite being requested by Wang Haoran to visit, has also remained deaf. She had some wild guess, but still did not go.

The mystery of Wang Haoran's repeated nightmares was purposefully made by none other than Zhou Shan.

He felt that life imprisonment and death is just a light punishment for the person who is full of evil intentions. So, he bought an item that could make a person dream of his previous life's happiest yet overwhelming guilty moment repeatedly. It could also make the person constantly hallucinate driving him to the edge of losing his mind.

And just like that, all the missions has been completed.
7 years later

"Uncle Shan!" A four-year old chubby kid shouts as he called for his uncle, Zhou Shan.

"Yuze." Stopping at his feet and looking up to him, Zhou Shan couldnt contain himself and pinch that chubby cheeks of his nephew earning a cute "Awiee! Uncle, no pinching~."

That's right. He's nephew. Zhou Ya's child. Who could be the father? Well, none other than her previous trainor, Mo Chou.

Zhou Shan squatted down to look at his nephew and smiled, "Do you want to eat sweets?"

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