Arc 2.11

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Just like that, after Yun Chao completed high school, he did not go to any universities despite getting many invitations. He did not stop his studies, but finished his college life in their house. His husband being his teacher.

( Author: So can anyone guessed what the learning was in all those college years? Fufu)

Yun Chao did not felt that something was missing in his college life. Friends? Classmates? Though a bit wrong mindset for most of the people, his husband is enough for him.
Now, what happened to the son and daughter of the heavens?

Contrary to Chen Ming's thought of dying early, he was still attached to the machines that were his only support in maintaining his life. How come?

Though he was abandoned by his father, he still has his grandfather from his maternal family. The unnamed grandfather of his visited him one day. His grandpa looked at him for a long time without a word making him uncomfortable. After a while, Chen Ming was told that a certain someone had told his grandfather about what and how he was currently bedridden. The grandfather, after hearing the reason of his grandson's current situation, he could not do anything and just accepted the fact due to 2 reasons. First, he cannot put a fight against the man who made Chen Ming like this. Second, his grandson's doing was also out of line. He hurt an innocent person just to pave way for himself, funny enough, he focused on the wrong person.

When the grandfather went to the hospital to visit his only grandson, the affection was not abandoned. He still love and care for his grandson. When he visited, he told Chen Ming that he dont have to worry about dying early as he will take care of it.

As an underworld boss, the grandfather has some source of big income. Not to mention, he dont have a family to feed and Chen Ming is his only grandson, one can imagine how much the grandfather's savings are.

After hearing, Chen Ming felt a mixed emotion. He was happy that he get to live longer, but also wishing to just quickly die as him living will only be a torture for himself.

The grandfather, of course, is not a good man nor is he a bad man. He has a balance thought of good and bad. Letting Chen Ming live, he knows that it'll only be a torture. But still, he continued with it as a punishment for him.

(Author: Oops! Sorry for interrupting. I just wanted to say that....*sigh* what a weird grandpa. Oh well.)

As for the female lead, Li Yin. After the video was uploaded, she was shunned everywhere. After a year, she was kicked from the apartment. She didnt have anywhere to go, no food to eat, and no clothes to wear. She could only stay in the street and beg for food. There are times when some men accidentally recognized her. She was then immediately dragged in an alley to be fucked. Was she unhappy? The answer could be both a yes and a no. It is because after she was raped(?), the men would leave behind some money enough for her food. And jut like that, everytime someone dragged her to the corner, she asked for money afterwards. But of course, not everyone pays her some.

So, she went to a brothel and be a prostitute. With this work, she get to eat and clothe herself just enough.

One could probably guessed her fate.

Another life was spent with his husband. Always spoiled, pampered, cared for, and loved to the rest of their lives. Now, it was again time to part.

Yuxuan who is currently lying on the bed weakly was holding his dear wife's hands. Hia eyes looked at his wife's lovingly as always. Though his hair white and face wrinkled already, it still cannot hide the fact that he is indeed a handome man.

Yun Chao suddenly saw his husband's eyes dropped a tear. He gently swept it with his shaking hand and snorted, "Already old yet still crying?" He did not know that his eyes were already red and in the brink of shedding tears. When Yuxuan saw it, he weakly raised his hand and held Yun Chao's face gently like a feather. Yun Chao put his hand over his man's hand that is currently in his face. They gazed at each other full of love and...possessiveness?

No words were needed to say as they know deep in them that it is just a temporary separation.

Suddenly, Yuxuan's eyes cleared. He seemed to have regained a bit of stength and said to his wife, "Dont cry, baby. We'll meet again. I'll make sure of it."

Yun Chao was shocked. He wanted to say something but felt his husband's strength disappear. He gently kiss the hand that was in his face. "Okay. Dont forget your promise."

He lied down with him, clasped their hands together and closed his eyes.
[Welcome back to space, Host.] The system said.

"Mn. Continue." Shen said with a slightly sad tone.

[Dont be sad, Host. You will meet your man again in the next world, so cheer up!!!]

"I know. Thanks system." Shen finally revealed a slight smile.

[Its nothing, Host!

Congratulations Host for successfully completing the second world and finishing all of the given main and hidden tasks!!!

Host had receive all the points and so adding it to the points left behind, Host has curtently a total of 1,534 points. Host still needs to work harder!!]

At hearing the the system's enthusiastic cheering, Shen's once smiling face suddenly turned dark. He said, "Oh? Why dont you be on my shoes instead?"

The system shivered and immediately said,
[System dare not!!]

Shen ignored the system's words and immediately asked, "What does he mean by his last words? Why does he seem to..."

Shen felt something not quite right about his lover's last words. He'll make sure they'll meet again in the next life?

That moment, his man's eyes definitely turned very clear. Does he know something? If yes, then what? How?

Many questions rushed to Shen's mind making his head ache a bit. System suddenly interrupted,

[Host, system doesnt know as well. However, the higher ups may know a bit. Its just that, they dont share it making the system unable to collect information.]

Shen was quiet for a bit. He thought to himself, no matter. I feel like I'll know the answer soon enough.

Shen looked at the system, "Go to the next world."

Feeling his host cheered up, the system excitedly said, [Yes, Host!!!]

A mechanical voice sounded.

[Transferring Host to the 3rd world in 3..........2...........1............Transfer completed]

Author: Welcome to the 3rd Arc!!!

A rush ending again, huh? Well, I dont really know how to write a not-so-rush ending. But atleast it has ending, right? Mweheheh^☆^

Revenge System To Hubby Tracker SystemTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon