Arc 5.1

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The moment Shen opened his eyes, he was greeted by the sight of good-looking people.

"Ah'Shen, eat more. Big sister especially cooked it for you." A beautiful lady in her 20's gently said while putting a warm food in his plate.

Like the original owner, Shen just stayed silent.

Seeing his usual behaviour, the big sister was not at all bothered.

"How was school?" Miyan, the big sister, asked.

"There's no difference." Shen answered.

"Oh, that's right, Ah'Shen, I heard that there would be a new student in your class starting tomorrow." Moyan, twin brother of Miyan and big brother of Shen, said.

"Not my problem. Anyways, Dad and Father?" Shen asked about his two fathers.

Two fathers.


That's right. If he experienced a vampire world, omegaverse is not to be unconsidered. A world which consists of three genders: Alpha, Omega, Beta.

Alpha who takes 20 percent of the population. 13 percent Omega, and the rest are all Beta.

'System, what are these?'

[Host, Alphas are what you call the dominant types of people. They are strong and powerful often sitting at the top of the society and respected among all. Oftentimes are aggressive yet are also successful. They are referred to as all-mighty!

On the other hand, Omegas are the submissive type of people. Oftentimes regarded as weak, however, they are also considered as treasures as they are so rare and most importantly, more fertile compared to betas. Fertile, Host. Which means all omegas either male or female gets pregnant. Many omegas has already risen on top of the society making the once stereotype society slowly change their views on them.

Weakness may be that they emit pheremones which made them crave for alphas and likewise, especially during heat. Much worse, if an alpha suddenly release his domineering pheremones or is in a rut, omegas couldnt control their lust which would end up to them being...

And lastly Betas, they take on most of the population in the world. They dont emit or smell pheremones and are just like the normal people.]

The system continued explaining to his Host what this new world is about. Coupled with the original owner's memories and knowledge about sex education, he finally understand it.

"Those old men! They went on 'vacation' again, hmph!" Moyan angrily said while crossing both his arms.

Miyan mockingly laughed at her twin brother, "Arent you already used to it yet? They have been going on vacation all the time! Moreover, dont be so envious. You'll soon experience yours."

Moyan kicked his twin sister's legs under the table, pushed his eyeglasses towards his nosebridge and retorted, "As if you've experienced it yourself."

"You little--"

"We are at the dining table." A cold voice suddenly sounded stopping the twin's childish fight.

Shen looked towards him.

Yoshan, their oldest brother who is currently the one managing their parents' company during their absence, is currently reading news from the newspaper while eating.

The twins seemed to have forgot their big brother at the spur of the moment. His cold voice bring shiver down to their spines. They glared at each other while baring their imaginary fangs.

"Stop fighting and immediately eat your dinner." With his voice like an irresistible force, the twins simultaneously took their chopsticks and ate the food properly.

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