Arc 3.10

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The foods were served one by one by the servants. Wang Haoran's eyes flickered for a moment before sipping his drink. He watched as his father took a bite out of his food.

Both foods and drinks that were served to the emperor contained deadly poison. The poison is odorless and tasteless that after a while the host would immediately die.

Sure enough, a moment later, the surroundings panicked as they saw the emperor coughed out blood as he clutched his chest painfully. Before they could even turn around and call for the imperial physician, weaponed men has entered and surrounded them all. "B-barbarians!" Shout one of the noble as he saw the emblem in their clothes.

The guards and the generals took out their swords preparing for a bloody fight. Wu Xuan stood in front of his wife guarding him with a cold bearing.

"I'll go check the emperor." Said Zhou Shan. Just as he turned around, he was held tightly by his beloved. "No. Stay here behind me." Wu Xuan panickly said.

Zhou Shan felt his emotions. He hurriedly hugged him to comfort. "Baby, it's alright. I'm gonna be alright, okay? Nothing will happen. Didnt we talk about this already last night? Besides, I'm just behind you. I'll just go check on the emperor's health, 'kay?"

Hearing his soothing comfort, Wu Xuan relaxed a little. He know they dont have time and they had already talked about it, so he reluctantly agreed.

Zhou Shan give a quick peck to his panicked husband before running to check the emperor's health.

Zhou Shan put his 2 fingers to the emperor carotid wanting to know if there is a pulse. There's none. That's good.

Wang Haoran saw his relief. Was his plan a fail? He frowned and immediately went towards the emperor. Sensing him no breath left, he thought of something and immediately mocked Zhou Shan. Happy that the emperor's dead? Fool! This empire's gonna be mine.

Zhou Shan saw through him. He showingly sneered. "What an ungrateful white-eyed wolf. Really that desperate to rule this land? Are you even qualified?", Zhou Shan mocked.

Wang Haoran was all red in anger and embarassment and his face was all scrunched up. Does he know something?! He innerly thought.

"What do you mean, for someone like you who was relieved of the emperor's death?" Wang Haoran got back his composure.

"Were you, perhaps, the on who tamper with his majesty's foods?" He continued.

His words recieved a mock from Zhou Shan, "Oh my. Did His Highness the prince perhaps lost his memories? Ah! His Highness the prince? Or should it be the fake His Highness the prince..? "
Wang Haoran forcedfully clenched his teeth and hands. He definitely know something!!

"Sir Zhou Shan must be joking. Do you really think that by transferring your crime you'll get away from it!?"

"Bai Daiyu must have told you that she could see the future, en? And that you will be the emperor of this land? Pft. What makes you think so?"

Wang Haoran couldnt hide the shock he received. So many questions are revolving in his mind. Bai Daiyu? How did he know of her? She's just for passing time, but true, she said those words to him and he did listen also to the fact that this has been his goal since young. The last sentence snapped his remaining clear- headedness. "So what!!? I am the righteous heir!! No one can take this title away from me! Not even the emperor himself!"

While being immersed on his self, his hand accidentally touched the knife hidden behind his robe. Whether or not he knew something, a threat is still a threat. He needs to die!

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