Chapter Nineteen

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Word Count: 1938

Scarlett's POV

Brunch was great, even though Everett was a bit stuck in her head. I feel better knowing she'll be eating at least one meal today. It's like I'm her parent all over again, if only. I don't think that I can confess that I'm her birthmother after today. She'll want to know why I gave her up and I don't want to say that I thought she'd be better off or that I was trying to work on my career or try to find a good reason that doesn't involve me being selfish.

Lizzie luckily agreed to fly back with Everett and despite Everett's protests Lizzie will definitely be going with her. I think it's incredibly irresponsible to leave your child in another state.

I pull up to the same complex I picked Everett up from yesterday. She's been jittery all morning so hopefully starting to get her ready to fly will help.

"Do you want us to come up or we can wait out here?" I ask turning to look at her in the backseat.

"I don't mind either way. It shouldn't take long so don't feel obligated," she says as she hops out of the car. As they say curiosity killed the cat and I'm extremely curious. I wanna know more about this Bridget and Frank. And why do they think it's okay to treat Everett like crap?


That was underwhelming. The walls were decorated like a hotel and not in a good way. They had a lot of pictures of themselves but none of Everett which is strange considering she's been with them a while now. Surely they'd have to have some pictures with her or of her.

Alexis's room wasn't no different bare walls and pale sheets. The room was set up very traditionally for a teenage but no decor to make it feel homey. If she lived with me, I'd let her decorate, heck I'd be decorating it for her.

Wait - ugh backup. I have to remind myself that she's not mine anymore. My selfish ass made a choice they will never let that be true. When she told me earlier that she was feeling unwanted, I teared up. Not only because I felt so bad she'd for her but I also know if I ever told her the truth she'd hate me forever.

After Everett's, we stopped at Lizzie's to pack a day bag, which was mainly just her skin care routine since she decided she'll stop at my house for new clothes. I don't know how that came about but I don't mind.

Then we were on our way to the airport. My team was able to get them tickets last minute for an afternoon flight that lands in the evening. Lizzie was gonna have one of her sisters pick them up but they aren't in New York right now. So I told her I'd call my brother or Ryan, I should probably call Ryan since it's about Everett but I'm not sure that I wanna be yelled at.

We pull into the departures lane and I hop out after pulling on a baseball cap. The less attention that we draw the better.

After grabbing Everett's suitcase from the back, I say goodbye to Lizzie. She promises to keep me updated before stepping back to let me say goodbye to Everett.

"Goodbye, Evie," I smile faintly before pulling her into a tight hug which she reciprocates.

"Thanks Scarlett," she answers me glumly.

"Keep me updated please, I wanna know when you get home and how you're doing," I try to persuade her. If this is as much as I can be in her life then I'll be there.

"Are you sure?" She eyes none suspiciously.

"Yes! Of course!" I answer eagerly.

"But why?" She deadpans before walking it back a little, "I mean I just feel like you could be doing a lot of other, more important things than spending time with me."

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