Chapter Two

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Word Count: 2205

Blake's POV

Once Inez had finally fallen asleep, I gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead before settling her back in her crib. She's been having a hard time laying down at night so bedtime has become a long-drawn-out process.

I make my way back to my bedroom and see through our en-suite that Ryan was brushing his teeth. "Is she finally down?" He asks after spitting.

"Yep, she just needed some extra cuddles," I laugh thinking about how long it took him last time to put her down.

"Well James went down easy-peasy, so I'd say I win," he boasts happily.

"Yeah, but you didn't have a teething toddler," I remind him.

"I still win, you just won't admit it," he complains.

"Baby, I don't think it's a competition. I got her down in half the time it took you yesterday," I grin at him.

"That doesn't matter, the competition only counts for today," he decides on a whim.

"Oh really, you're gonna be a sore loser like James when we play hungry hungry hippos," I give him a fake pout.

"This isn't fair, there are too many girls here. I'm outnumbered," he whines.

"Biology would say that's your fault," I giggle.

"Well three girls is a lot of girls," he shakes his head.

"You think it's a girl?" I asked placing a hand on my nonexistent bump.

"I mean," he pauses slightly, "I think that odds are in our favor."

"We'll have a gaggle of girls," I smiled at his dazed expression, he's probably tired from the game of tag he played with the girls earlier.

"Go get ready for bed, beautiful," he says before giving me a quick peck on the cheek and going back into our bedroom.

As I go through my nightly routine,  I glance back in my mirror to see his wallet sitting on his vanity. This reminds me of the picture I saw earlier of that baby, I wanted to ask but didn't have the time earlier.

I finished brushing my teeth before going through his wallet. Huh, I thought I shoved this picture back where it came from. It took a little extra time but I eventually found it again and flipped it over to see a date that was a little illegible - Jan 2005 and the initials or letters E.L.

It's not a stock photo then because it's too worn and there's writing on it. "Hey, babe?" I ask as I step back into the bedroom with the photo in hand.

"What's up?" He replies, looking up from his book.

"When I was looking through your wallet this morning for the insurance card. I came across this picture. It's not one of ours, right? I mean they look kind of like James but it's definitely not her," I asked nervously as I held it up for him to see after sitting down on my side of the bed.

"That is a baby," he replies dismissively.

"No shit Sherlock," I roll my eyes.

"It's not ours," he adds on without missing a beat while he takes the picture out of my hand.

"Why do you have it in your wallet?" I ask seriously as I watch him almost seem to study it.

"Because I like it," he decides dismissively.

"Ryan?" I sigh getting frustrated.

"Yes, dear?"

"Who's baby is this?"

The UnwantedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora