Chapter One

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Word Count: 1664

Blake Lively's POV

We were on our way out the door to go to Inez's latest doctor's appointment and drop James off at school. It was for Inez's eighteen-month check-up and as usual, we were running late for both.

"Ryan?" I call across the apartment.

"Yeah, babe?"

"Where is the insurance card?"

"I don't know."

"You had it last?" I remind him as I hurried to shove the last few things into the diaper bag.

"Maybe check my wallet then?"

I grabbed his wallet off the counter, shaking out all the contents on the kitchen counter. I notice the familiar pictures of our children fall out as I shuffle through the various cards in his wallet.

As I scan through a few of his old ID cards and random gift cards that he keeps in here for no reason, a picture falls out. I paused for a moment not recognizing it. I'd never seen this particular picture before.

It was a little girl in a blue summer dress. She had tufts of blonde hair and looked to be somewhat smiling at the camera. She looked much younger than Inez but definitely old enough to be sitting up on her own. I smiled the cheeky grin on her face, thinking to myself - what a cute baby.

I found our family insurance card shortly after before shoving it in my back pocket and randomly placing everything back in his wallet unorganized. Sorry not sorry, Ryan.

"James, can you please put the spaceship down and put your shoes back on?" I ask desperately when I turned to see James back to playing again.

"No, I don't wanna go," she whines, not even bothering to look over at me.

"Really? Not even if I got you a special cake pop? Maybe a pink one?" I bribe her knowing that this might be the only way we get out the door this morning.

"Okay!" James agrees easily. I swear that's all kids need now, just a small bribe. "Are we seeing Auntie Taylor today?" James asks as she slides on her velcro shoes once more.

"I don't think, she's in town right now," I explain while loading the stroller with our bags. I'm taking both kids today because Ryan has to work this morning.

"I wanna play with her kitties," James tells me.

"We can give her a call later, bub," I decide as I load a babbling Inez into the stroller.

"Fine, but Mere better be there," James huffs as she climbs into her seat in the stroller. I chuckled at her antics before buckling her in.

"Bye, Ry!" I shout, "I love you!"

"Bye, Blake, I'll see you later, love you all!" he shouted back.

Ryan Reynolds's POV

Today was the day, well not exactly. It isn't what most people would be counting down towards. I didn't have any meetings this morning despite what I told Blake, instead, I had my yearly call with Scarlett. It's been nearly thirteen years now but not a day goes by that I don't think of her, my little Everett Leigh. I love my kids, all three and half of them, but my first will always be a precious, bittersweet memory for me.

Scarlett and I made a decision to give her up together. It was to give her, her best chance to live a normal, happy, safe life, even if that wasn't with us. But it still hurts the same every year. Once I was showered and dressed and Blake had left, I waited near my phone for Scarlett to call. I had already prepared my end of the call so I was just waiting on her. She said she had to wait for Romain to pick up Rose.

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