Chapter Thirteen

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Word Count: 1131

Everett's POV

It's been a few weeks since the charity event and I meant to return Scarlett's hoodie but my foster parents had an emergency travel day because something was going wrong in LA. We were in LA for nearly two weeks and yesterday we flew into Altana, so maybe I'll ask Scarlett if she's here so I can return her sweatshirt.

I will also shamelessly admit that I did a deep dive into Scarlett via the internet. I was curious to know more about her and I didn't want to burden her with questions so I thought why not ask the internet? I didn't love the results I found though. Some were comforting interview moments of her and others were just really gross people commenting on her in lewd ways. Even though we've only exchanged a few text messages since the meeting, she still brings me a lot of comfort. I don't know how to really explain it, but I just feel at ease when I feel close to her. I've listened to some of her music, watched some of her movies, and even worn her hoodie a few extra times.

When I wake up from a nightmare, I've started going to youtube to watch her interviews or hear her sing. It calms me a lot faster than my old ways, even Taylor Swift doesn't calm me as quickly as Scarlett does. I saw a couple of clips of her talking about her daughter and I just knew that she must be the best mom. She seems to enjoy motherhood and not a lot of celebrities show that side of them.

As the lonely and bored child that I am, I've also started looking into the other marvel people to learn more. I watched some of the avengers movies and noticed that Ryan and Blake aren't connected to Marvel. It's kind of weird that they were at the event even though neither is connected to Marvel.  Maybe Blake was hosting another one of her fundraisers like the work she did to help child sexual abuse survivors. I'm not sure but I didn't ponder on it long.

Scarlett 💁🏼‍♀️

Hey, I was wondering if you're in Atlanta?

I didn't mean that to sound so stalkerish way

I'm in Atlanta now and wanted to return your hoodie, but I can also wait if you're busy, no worries.

Hey Evie! Are you free tomorrow? I have the day off and would love to take you around if you're comfortable with that.

That sounds good. I just have some school to finish in the morning.

Not a problem. How about I pick you up for lunch?

Are you sure? I don't want to bother you. I imagine filming can be tiring and you might want your day off to relax.

Nonsense, I'd love to spend the day with you if you're interested.

If you're 100% sure I'm not a bother, then I guess it's okay.

You're never a bother to me, Evie!

Send me your address and I'll pick you up at 12:30 pm.

Okay! I'll be ready.
*sends address*

A smile spreads across my face as I think about seeing Scarlett tomorrow. I don't really have any friends that I get to see normally or at all, so it's really exciting for me to hang out with someone other than myself.

I talk to Nate still but as we get older, he gets busier and seems to forget me more. It's okay I know nothing is forever, so I try not to dwell on it too much. I miss him but I'm starting to believe that I miss the idea of him more than I miss him. But I could also be delusional because all I have to talk about these things with is myself.

Late that night after a very awkward dinner with Bridget and Frank, I climbed into bed listening to their distant argument.

"It's due this Friday the 10th!" Bridget sounded frustrated.

"No, that's next week," Frank answered soundly equally fed up with whatever was happening.

"No, today is the seventh, hun," Bridget sighed. I giggled to myself about their dumb argument before checking the calendar myself to see who was right.

As soon as I pulled up my calendar I wanted to hide away. It's June again and the eighth is tomorrow. How could I be so preoccupied to not even notice that the death of my mom's anniversary is tomorrow?

I blinked the tears away as my eyes became glossy. June eighth, 2009, was the day my world changed forever. I pulled my baby blanket closer after pulling my duvet over my head. I turned on my mixed Taylor swift and Scarlett playlist before falling into a restless sleep.

I woke up panting at four in the morning from a nightmare. I was somehow driving and crashed the car in a head-on collision but I'd didn't die. It got even worse because I got out of the car and somehow I crashed into my mother and killed her. It was my fault and there I was all alone crying while everyone else was blaming me. I took a couple of deep breaths trying to calm myself but it wasn't working.

At that moment I just wanted a parent or anyone really. I just didn't want to be alone. Bridget and Frank are both deep sleepers, they rarely hear me so it's not like I have to worry about waking them or pine about them coming to save me.

I opened my phone to change the weirdly upbeat Taylor song for Scarlett's I Am the Cosmos. It's not the best song I've ever heard but it's relaxing and I like it when it says I wanna see you again. No one's ever said that to me except Nate but we both knew it'd be impossible.

I lay there snuggled up with my blanket listening to my quiet music playlist as I tried to keep my mind off my dream. Somehow I ended up wondering what Scarlett would do if she knew I had nightmares. As far as I know, she seems like a really good Mom, so I bet if Rose had scary dreams she'd wake up for her. Maybe she'd even stay with her until she fell back asleep or hold her and tell her everything is going to be okay. I bet it's really nice to have a mom, like Scarlett.


Poor Everett, she just really wants someone in her life. I didn't mean for this chapter to be as greedily painful but here we are. Let me know what you think!

Also, I'm curious to know what people thought about Midnights so tell me everything!

See you in the next one friends!

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