Even though she had to suppress the guilt over someone else making her bed or washing her used dishes, Rory couldn't deny she enjoyed being treated like a princess in this house. However, part of her couldn't wait to start living for herself again. Independence had been something she worked her entire life for - something she earned. And once she exited the Romano estate and passed the castle gates, she knew she had to go back to living the way she was meant to. Independently.

Well, as independently as she could while living at Harry's house.

Soon you'll shed the princess facade, Siren, the voice snickered.

Shaking her head at the thoughts, she brushed her hair, taming the tangles that appeared overnight. But I can still pretend for a bit longer.

Rory didn't know how many days were left in this house. The girl quickly learned in the safe house that the number given meant nothing - it drastically changed within a second. At least she was enjoying her time here. And surprisingly to her, she felt completely safe.

After dressing in a fresh pair of clothes, Rory tidied the bedroom before making her way downstairs and into the kitchen. She was excited to start her day, mainly because that meant spending time with Harry. Butterflies erupted in her stomach over the thoughts of what they would do together. Of course, she wanted to spend all her waking hours in the library - but she wanted to ensure they did something he enjoyed.

Maybe he turned into a bookworm overnight. A smile crossed her lips over the thought. It's not that far-fetched. He did mention he started reading textbooks for me.

However, the look of joy she proudly wore quickly faded once she stepped foot into the space. Doctor Khan and Harry stood near the counter, whispering with one another. Rory couldn't hear what they were saying, but the air thick with tension was enough to signal something was off.

"Our sleeping beauty is awake!" Doctor Khan spoke in a cheerful tone. "How was your night?"

"It was nice, thank you." Rory glanced at Harry, surprised to see his attention fixated on the ground. "Is everything alright?"

"Of course it is!" the Doctor replied. "Are you hungry, sweetheart? I have breakfast all ready for you!"

Before Rory could utter another word, she was guided towards the table and into a chair. Looking at the breakfast options in front of her, she wondered how long everything had taken to make. Or how many people the Doctor expected to show up to eat.

"Where's Mr. Romano?"

"He is out right now." Doctor Khan began filling up a bowl with plain yogurt. "He will be back this afternoon. Granola?" she asked, gesturing to the dish in hand.

Rory nodded and looked over her shoulder. She was disappointed to see Harry remain in his spot, leaning against the counter, arms folded across his chest. It was far from the greeting she expected. Her head turned back, slumping slightly in her chair as she stared at the bowl in front of her. Granola and yogurt topped with mixed fruits and a drizzle of honey.

"Eat, sweetheart," Doctor Khan instructed, sitting in the empty chair beside the girl. An uncomfortable filled the room as Rory took her first bite. "Do you like it? There's plenty of other options if you prefer-"

"It's great. Thank you."

For the past few mornings, Rory enjoyed breakfast time in the house. The Doctor would prepare various food options and get excited as everyone appeared. Mr. Romano would sit in the chair facing the window and read the paper, adding tidbits from intriguing news stories. And Rory would sit, eat her breakfast, and savour every second.

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