Blood of My DeathBlood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Nine

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"I am sick and tired of being called test subject and Zero Zero One. My name is Kristonia Magdalena Howel... Say my name right!" Kristonia said, gritting her teeth.

"Your behavior is why you do not possess the necessary protocols. I suggest you follow your designated programming or risk the consequences. I will not address this with you, Zero Zero One," the holographic woman explained.

Kristonia turned her back to the holographic woman, folding her arms.

"Kristonia, calm down. You're making the situation worse. Just think for a second. What are we going to do? They have guns, and they control everything here," Dr. Iris said, trying to reason with Kristonia.

"Shit, this isn't legal, and you know it," Kristonia said, grinding her teeth.

"I know it's not legal, but we can do nothing right now. We can't even leave the room unless one of the DNA staffers unlocks the door, let alone try to leave through the elevator," Dr. Warren explained.

"I will take my leave now if the good Doctors have everything under control," the female hologram stated before vanishing.

When the holographic woman was gone, Kristonia ran to one couch and fell into it. Tears poured out of her eyes as she pulled her legs up to her chest. As I rolled into my room, I felt this was all my fault, and it had all come about because of me. There were still thirty minutes left before we had to head to the cafeteria, and I wanted to be alone. But, again, our plight was due to me, which destroyed me from the inside out. 'How could I have been so stupid? If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.'

When we were on our flight, I should have caught on the back, but I wanted so badly to believe that I ignored or missed all the signs. I didn't even know where we were or how to get home. They have us under surveillance twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. We had no privacy, and we couldn't talk without the fear of them hearing everything we said.

'We have to escape, but how?'

— Warning... The thought process interrupted. —

I am Subject-002-0909; requesting escape protocol from Admin.

Sending a query to Admin... Access denied.

Sending a query to Admin... Access denied.

Analyze all outgoing signals... Signals analyzed.

Accessing a surveillance stream using evasion protocols.

Successful connection to surveillance stream using evasion protocols.

Sending a query to Admin... Access granted.

I am Subject-002-0909; requesting escape protocol from Admin.

—Auto Response from Adim—

Sending escape protocol to Subject-002-0909... Erasing logs from the system... Connection terminated.

Sending acquisition of escape protocol from Admin.

I am Subject-002-0909; updating my primary mandate.

I am Subject-002-0909; I updated my primary mandate.

Query; what is my mandate?

Answer; my thoughts are mine, I am me. I will escape.

I am Subject-002-0909; escape protocol active.

Ending internal thought processes. Erasing all logs from memory.

Normal thought process engaged.

'What was I thinking?' But then, the sound of Dr. Warren entering my room interrupted my thoughts.

She took a step into the room, closer to my bed, where I was sitting.

"You can't blame yourself, Kristen. You couldn't have known. Diane and I were here six months, but we didn't see this coming either," Dr. Warren announced.

I looked at her with tears and didn't know what to say. They were also prisoners here, and it was all because of me. Finally, she approached me, kneeling in front of my wheelchair.

"Listen, you didn't do this. I know you probably think you did, but remember, DNA Labs board members are the ones that promised you to hope only to take it away. Anyone would have jumped on the opportunity to walk again," Dr. Warren said positively.

"I know, but it still hurts. Why are they doing this to us?" I replied, crying.

She stood up enough to hug me tightly as she spoke.

"I don't know, but I promise I won't leave your side or your sisters. Diane and I will find some way to get you out of here. I don't know how, but we will make it out of here," Dr. Warren said.

"They will know; we can't do anything without them knowing," I said, crying even more.

My body tensed up. I began searching the room for any signs of cameras.

Dr. Warren pulled back when she noticed me tensing up.

She looks me in the eye, and I see the concern in her gaze.

"I don't care if they know. Let them listen to us all they want; it won't help them," Dr. Warren said as she hugged me, and I felt this warm feeling inside her that made me feel warm inside too.

A faint glow caught my attention in her eyes as she looked back at me. They were like LED lights on low, but I could definitely tell there was a difference. After wiping away my tears, she walked behind my wheelchair and pushed me to the living room. By the time we got to the living room, my sister had already stopped crying, so I felt better.

Blood of My DeathDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora