Vances birthday

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When Vance was younger he didn't really have any friends but Bruce. So when his 8th birthday came around he invited his entire class. When he got home he was so exited for everyone to arrive he couldn't sit still. But hours went by and no one arrived. He waited even longer, no one came.

After five more minutes Bruce arrived at 4:00 pm. "I'm so sorry I'm late vance! I had to finish my chores." But when he looked around no one was in the room. "Vance?" He heard a faint cry from one of the far back bedrooms. He walked towards the room and put his ear to the door. He heard someone crying so he opened the door and looked inside.

The person that was crying was no other than Vance Hopper. But why was he crying on his birthday? Bruce rushed over to him and asked if he was ok but Vance just pushed him away "go away Bruce." Bruce was confused "why Vance? It's your birthday I can't just leave I haven't even gave you your present yet?" Vance sniffled "I invited are entire class to my birthday but no one came." Bruce rubbed Vance's back "but I did and I will make sure you have the best birthday ever!" Vance wiped his tears "really?" Bruce giggled "yes! Now cmon!"

Bruce grabbed Vance's wrist and pulled him up and ran into the living room where there was a neatly wrapped present on the table. "Go on vance open it!" Vance did as he was told and opened the gift, it was Space Invaders and a few other video games "Thanks Bruce! But I don't have a console?" Bruce smiled so wide it looked like his cheeks hurt "that's why I got you one!" Bruce grabbed a slightly bigger present out from behind the couch and gave it to Vance. Vance's jaw dropped and he set the present down and gave Bruce a big hug, so big Bruce lifted off the ground.

They both laughed and Vance opened the present it was a console with two controllers. After he was done celebrating the gift he just got they both stayed up all night playing video games.
words: 380

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