Cold hands on warm days

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It was a sunny day in July, only a slight breeze flowing threw Vance's hair as he walked to school. But still Vance was freezing. When he was halfway to the school he saw Bruce. "Hey Bruce!" Vance shouted for Bruce his voice slightly shaken. Bruce walked over to Vance. Bruce was about to greet him but he looked at Vance's lips and they were blue,

"Vance! Your lips are blue!" Bruce cupped Vance's cheek to feel how cold he was, he was so cold Bruce thought he was gonna get frostbite. Bruce look off his sweater and put it on Vance and held his hand. "How are you so cold? Its 70 degrees!" Vance giggled a bit surprised by how worried Bruce was. "I don't know I'm usually this cold, maybe a bit warmer." Bruce looked at Vance with a worried expression.

"Why didn't you tell me! I would've bought you a jacket!" Vance thought for a minute "I don't know why I didn't tell you, guess I just thought it wasn't a big deal." Bruce looked away from Vance smiling "well I guess you're gonna have to deal with me giving you my sweaters and holding your hand from now on."

211 words

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