Vances problem

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TW:underage drinking
Past Vance.
10 year old Vance saw his dad sleeping on the couch. He had a few unopened bottles by him. Vance started thinking what would it be like if he drank one? His dad always said it helped with his life and made him feel better. So he grabbed one and went to his room. he opened it and took a drink, it tasted horrible but he kept drinking. He drank until he started feeling really weird, then everything went black.

When he woke up he was on the floor crying. But he doesn't remember crying, he also had a pounding headache. He got up but when he did he felt like he was going to throw up. He ran to the bathroom and threw up. When he was done he flushed the toilet and tried to remember what happened last night. But he couldn't remember anything.

He looked at the time it was 7:00 am so he had to walk to school. When he got there bruce came up to him, "hey Vance! You don't look so good what's wrong?" "Nothing I'm fine." Vance really thought about it and it did kind of help, he didn't have to deal with thing while he was drunk. Even though he felt horrible after he wanted to drink more.

Present Vance.

Vance was laying in bed with a bottle in his hand slowly waking up. He got up and went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He dropped the empty bottle it shattered on the floor. When Vance stared in the mirror, all he could see was his father staring back.

He just walked out of the bathroom and went to school, not even changing he was wearing a shirt stained with beer, jeans, and old boots. He didn't even brush his teeth or put on deodorant. When he got to school Bruce went up to him "hey Vance! Wait is that beer on your shirt? And your breath smells like beer, have you been drinking?!" "No why would I drink." Bruce grabbed my hand and dragged me into the bathroom "why did you drag me here?!" Bruce completely ignored my question "Why were you drinking?!"

"Im not fucking drinking!" "Vance I'm not stupid!" I ignored him and started walking out of the bathroom but Bruce grabbed my wrist "Bruce let go." "No!" "I said let go!" I pulled my wrist out of his hand and walked away. "Why am I like this? I'm turning out just like him aren't I." I thought to myself "Vance!" Bruce caught up with me "will you please tell me Vance?"

I haven't talked to Bruce the entire day to avoid telling him that I was drinking. At the end of the day I walked home and went in my room. I was just staring at the beer resisting the urge to drink one. But I ended up drinking one. When I was drunk Bruce came into my room threw my window "Vance?" I was crying by a beer bottle that was spilling. Bruce kneeled down so he could get closer to where I was sitting down. I looked up and giggled "your face is preety~" I grabbed Bruce's cheek. He pushed my hand off and grabbed my hand to pull me up.

"Vance you're drunk let's go to my house so I can take care of you." "Ok ok pretty boy." When I got up and started walking with Bruce until I fell into him. I fell asleep holding a half empty bottle of beer. Bruce woke me up and walked me to his house. When we got there robin and finney were on the couch "woah the fuck happened to him?" "He's drunk."

"But hes 16?!" "I know Robin." Bruce walked me to his bedroom and lashed me on his bed and got me some water "drink all of it Vance." "What is it?" "Water?" "What the hell is a werater?!" "just drink it." "Nooo!" after he got me to drink all of it he asked me "how long have you been drinking." "Ummm since I was 10?" After I said that I fell asleep.

When I woke up I said "WHERE THE FUCK AM I!" Bruce walked into the room "my house?" "When did I get here!?" "Do you not remember?" "No!" "I went into your room last night and you were drunk so I brought you here and gave you some water."

I randomly started remembering how much I'm like my dad and now I'm making people take care of me. I started to cry a bit but wiped them away right as they left my eyes "are you crying?" "No!" Bruce walked up to me and hugged me. I tried holding back my tears but I couldn't and started crying into his shoulder. "I'm just like him aren't I?" "Who?" "My dad." "No! You're nothing like him! Your dad hurts people you don't and your dad is a horrible person you are the opposite." "But I made you take care of me and caused you problems." "You didn't make me do anything Vance. I chose to do this because I love you vance." Vance couldn't believe Bruce the most perfect person could ever like someone like him. "You love me? How could you love someone like me?" "Because you are always there for me, you stand up for me when I don't, and you are an amazing person!" Vance still couldn't believe what he was hearing but he blurted out something, "I love you to."

A few days later he was still staying at Bruce's house he hasn't drank in 3 days his friends are all proud of him but Bruce is the most proud of vance.


1000 WORDS 😨

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