"Its not fair!"

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Young Vance and Bruce!
In elementary school in 4th grade there was a father son baseball game, so their dads would play with their sons. "Alright class all the boys go tot he field for the father som baseball game!" "Yay!" Everyone shouted. Everyone got to the field and cars started pulling in. Everyone's dad came but mine and Bruce's

"Where's my dad?" "I don't know Bruce maybe he's just late?" "where's yours?" "Late but he's coming this year I know it!" "You said that last year but ok." After 2 minutes his dad showed up "DAD!" "hey buddy!" I was still looking everywhere for my dad "where is your dad Vance?" "He's late." I thought he would come because the day before I asked him if he would be there he said he was coming.

20 minutes later I was about to cry because the game already started and my dad wasn't there. I thought "it's not fair! Why does everyone else's dad come to these kinds of things! Why do their dads care and mine doesn't!" I ran into the bathroom crying "Vance wait!" I heard Bruce yell for me but I didn't care.

When I got into the bathroom I got into a stall and locked the door, sat down and put my head in my knees. "ITS NOT FUCKING FAIR!" I punched that stall leaving a small dent and my knuckles were slightly bleeding. "Vance?" I heard Bruce walk in "what the fuck do you want shouldn't you be playing baseball with your dad" "yeah but I saw you were crying, what's wrong?" "None of your business!" "Well can I at least come in?" I hesitated but unlocked the door.

He sat next to me close enough that our arms were touching. "It's not fair." "What's not fair?" "That everyone else's dad came but mine? That everyone else's dad cares about them!" Bruce pulled me into a big hug and said "I'm sorry your dad doesn't care, you deserve so much better." Then at that moment I realized that Bruce was the only one who ever cared about me. I hugged him back and cried into his shoulder leaving stains on his shirt. "Do you want to go back to playing baseball?" "But my dad isn't here?" "You can play with me and my dad! We can pretend we're siblings!" "Really?!" "Yeah! Cmon!" He grabbed my hand and ran back out to the field.

I played with Bruce and his dad for the rest of the game, and Bruce even said I was really good at baseball!

Me and Bruce have been friends since 1st grade, but now years later I am 16 and he's 15 he's the one person that has never left me, but instead of being my best friend he is my boyfriend.

I'm also gonna start putting how many words!

486 words

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