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When Vance was five his mom was sweeping the kitchen and he wanted to help. He hated seeing her do things all by herself. So he grabbed the broom from her and started sweeping, "Vance you don't have to sweep for me I can do it." "I know but you're always doing all the cleaning I wanna help!" Vance's mom smiled at him and walked away. After a few minutes Vance was done and put the broom away.

A few weeks after that his mom and dad got into a huge fight. First it was just yelling and screaming, but it eventually turned physical. "Dad stop! You're hurting mommy!" His dad ignored him and kept hitting her. He was scared but tried to push his father off. But his dad just smacked him in the face.

When they stopped fighting Vance went to go check on his mom. "Mommy? Are you ok?" Vance's mom was packing bags "go away Vance." She stood up and started walking to the door "you're just going to turn out like your father." Vance grabbed her shirt trying to get her not to leave "mommy wait! I promise I won't! I'll be a good kid I promise! Please don't leave me!" His mother didn't respond but grabbed his wrist and threw him off of her.

"Mommy wait!" She shut the door and went outside. Vance continued to beg her not to leave but she had already got into her car. She hesitated but started the car and left. Vance was sobbing his face was all red wondering why she didn't take him with her, he started wondering if she ever even cared about him. "Why did you leave me! I promised I won't be bad!" He walked back inside and sat on his bed and cried for hours.

When he went back to school he didn't talk. Bruce tried to talk to him but he just walked away. After a while he started talking to Bruce again.

Vance's sadness eventually turned to anger. He  took that anger out on everyone around him. When he was ten he found the pinball machine. He loved it, it made him forget about some of that anger. It was the only thing that made him feel proud of himself. That's why he is so obsessed with beating his high-score.

Years later vance was 16. He was playing pinball when a woman walked in. Vance didn't notice, he was to focused on playing pinball. "Vance?" He froze. He stopped what he was doing, stopped trying to beat his high score, just stopped everything. He whipped his head around. It was his mother.

Bruce was with Vance so he was confused "what's wrong vance? Who is she?" Vance ignored him and walked towards his mom. "Get the fuck out." Vance's moms eyes filled with regret. "Vance I'm sorry-" Vance cut her off by saying "YOU'RE SORRY?! YOU LEFT A FIVE YEAR OLD THAT WAS BEGGING YOU NOT TO LEAVE! YOU'RE NOT SORRY!" Everyone in the store was  looking at them "is that anyway to speak to your mother?" "YOU'RE NOT MY MOTHER!" "yes I am-" "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!" She didn't move "if you're not gonna leave I am!" Vance left the store trying not to cry. Bruce ran after Vance trying to catch up to him. Vance didn't notice him and sat down by a tree and started crying. Bruce sat down next to him.

Vance eventually realized he was there and wiped his face. "When did you get here?" "A while" Vance tried to sound like he wasn't crying but it didn't work. "Wanna go to the theaters to get your mind off of things?" "Sure." Vance held Bruce's hand all the was to the theaters and threw the whole movie. After the movie Bruce was walking Vance home when Vance said, "hey Bruce?" "Yes?" "I um I like you." "I like you to." Bruce kissed Vance's cheek "wanna have a sleepover at my house instead?" Vance nodded his head he was so surprised by the kiss he couldn't speak.

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