[11] Recruit (1)

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I WORKED months, until it falls into nighttime in finding the culprit responsible of my emotions. I simply didn't feel tired, angry, nor anything at all! It's as if I was an empty treasure chest that was recently opened and the gold's were stolen by greedy people, well whoever they are they're greedy. It has been harder to come at the cafe since Ink has his stupid nose in my business.. perhaps telling him to eff off won't work as this guy will probably and surely find out what's wrong with me, he did mention about me being the next one.

"Look- *sigh* I'm sorry about Ink.."

"No need to feel bad, Swap."

I replied, the sweet smell of coffee awakens me from my thoughts.

"He's not been drinking his vials lately and has been expressive, that's all I know."

"Thanks for that, Swap."

"Y'know it's weird for you to speak without your euphonious voice."


"Euphonious means something pleasant to the ear."

I sip the coffee, a sigh escaping my lips as my pupils traced the outline of the mug.

"I do have something that can help,"

The cafe owner looked at our side, eventually catching my attention as I turn to the cafè owner.

"Go on, spill the beans."

I say in an emotionless manner, the cafè owner beginning his little chit-chat about the protector.

"Alright so, it all started when you didn't come back for around a week. Ink has been telling me about a ghost that he accidentally summoned and sent it away on another person, now he casually told me about not having to drink his own vials since he can feel emotions now. I was happy until I noticed you coming back more gloomy and depressed than usual, you always give Ink a side eye or sometimes a glare if he isn't looking."

"And now, he is practically living his own life not having to drink his containers. He also started being an asshole as well."

Ccino muttered the last part to me and Swap, surely that guy got cocky since he regained emotions.. I'm wondering if he has a soul?

"Thanks, again. Sorry for the trouble you both had to endure, I'll go now."

I left the cafe and started walking away, finding a spot to summon a portal in private. I found an alleyway and a big puddle of goop swallowed me whole, leaving no traces behind. Perhaps I should start recruiting them one by one now, as of this day I don't have anything to do than go anywhere and spread negativity. Corrupt has been awfully silent the whole time, humming and giving free advices every now and then.

Since every story starts with Killer being recruited, how about DustTale first? I mean, I rarely or never even see a story that recruits the DustTale!Sans first.

As I emerge from the ground, I notice an ashen tree with a blood splatter on the snow. I walked over to it as I follow the blood trail, eventually leading me to Snowdin. I glance at the buildings every now and then, seeing the sight of destruction still gives me the chills. I turned into the goop form I had ever since I transformed back then, eventually hearing loud yellings.

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