male wednesday addams

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Personality: He has a very dark personality.He lacks the skills to function as a normal person and cares very little for anything that doesn't interest him.He has a hard time caring for others outside of his family. He finds it unnecessary to do so and doesn't like to socialize.But he loves to see the horrid and beauty of everything. It's one of his secrets, though sadly, he hides his love for the delicate and horrific.He has a dark sense of humor.but he doesn't enjoy entertaining others with his humor. Mostly seen with his girlfriend ollie, who he already considered to be his Intended.

Likes: paying his violin, late night walking through the graveyard, writing his novel, and finding new things to peek his interest.

Dislikes: color, his father's need for him to be another perfect addams,and overly joyful people.

Music instrument: violin

Male wednesday ages: 16-19 and 20-26

Male wednesday ages: 16-19 and 20-26

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