Going out like fire

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this will be a short one but I wanted to finish this phase so I can focus on writing about them in nevermore, so enjoy it.


The loud ring of the bell pierced the air as Wednesday and Y/N made their way to their roll call class. The bright rays of the sun filtered through the shutters, causing Wednesday to squint repeatedly. Y/N, sitting beside her on the darker side of the room, noticed her discomfort and tried to shield her from the blinding light without drawing attention. he leaned closer, his voice a gentle whisper.  

Y/N: "Mi rosa oscura, let's swap seats. I can see the sun is bothering you." Wednesday glanced at him, her usual stoic expression hiding the warm sensation creeping over her cheeks. Despite her initial hesitation, she agreed, their roles shifting as he now faced the sunlight. But her thoughts were interrupted when she realized he had just spoken to her in Spanish. A warm sensation flushed through her cheeks.

Wednesday: "What did you just say? " she hissed, meeting his gaze with a firm stare. She hoped to divert his attention from her blushing face, which was now illuminated by the sun.

Y/N: "Did I say it wrong? I swear I said 'my dark rose'," he replied, clearly confused.

Wednesday: "No, I mean, since when can you speak Spanish?" Wednesday clarified. 

Y/N: "I asked Gomez to teach me. Wait, so do you want to swap seats or not?" he asked, flustered, slowly rising from his chair. Wednesday followed suit, and Y/n pushed her chair in, as he was now seated in the sun whilst he shielded his eyes. Finally, he could see Wednesday's features more clearly, and a sense of relaxation washed over her.

Y/N: "You look so beautiful when your relaxed, I can see your pretty face now," Y/n remarked, struggling to keep his eyes open under the bright sunlight. Wednesday stared back at him, her cold heart beating faster. She put on her blank, emotionless face, ready to say something, but just then, the bell for first period rang, and the class was dismissed.

Seizing the opportunity, Y/n and Wednesday discreetly snuck off to the pond behind the school field, a place known only to them. It was the spot where they kept their pet piranhas, their little secret. As they made their way to the pond, Wednesday couldn't help but voice her displeasure.

Wednesday: "I'd appreciate it if you saved the lovey-dovey compliments for outside of school. I wouldn't want anyone to see you with your mouth and eyes stitched together," she retorted coldly, the red shade once again flushing over her cheeks.

Y/N: "Of course, anything to make you behave, mi Amada. I wouldn't want anyone to see you flustered except me," Y/n teased playfully. They both carefully collected the piranhas into plastic bags.

Y/N: "So, are we actually going to release these piranhas into the pool to teach those idiots a lesson?" Y/n asked calmly but with a hint of excitement. Wednesday responded with an evil yet cute smirk, "What do you think, Il Mio bel diavolo?" Y/n's eyes widened as he realized she had just called him "my handsome devil" he questions aloud.

Wednesday: "Well, you kept giving me nicknames, and I didn't want to disappoint you by not returning the favor," she deadpanned before walking off. Y/n followed, thinking to himself, *Wow, she's really starting to care more about my feelings? willingly. Who knows, maybe she's evolving.* he joked to himself It was these little things that made Y/n fall even harder for her.

As the blonde-haired boy and the raven-haired girl prepared to enter the school's indoor pool, a mischievous plan was set into motion. With gentle care, the boy discreetly placed the piranhas inside the girl's bag, their hands intertwined tightly as they ventured forward. stepping into the building with a shared determination. their eyes fell upon a group of guys who had been tormenting Pugsley, fellow student's.  At that moment, one of the jocks noticed and called out to his buddies,

Inseparable (Wednesday Addams and Y/N Grayson)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ