shh..Here comes Wednesday & Y/n

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here it is I hope you guys enjoy.



Footsteps echoed through Nancy Reagan High School as students parted for a raven-haired girl with meticulously styled pigtails. Disgusted gazes followed her.

she whispers silently within her mind, "I'm not sure whose twisted idea it was to put hundreds of adolescents in underfunded schools run by people whose dreams were crushed years ago, but I admire the sadism."

everyone now Halted abruptly as Wednesday surveyed the hall's lined with painfully bright red lockers. Before she could even turn around to see the cause of the interruption, a much taller boy leaned close to her ear, his presence sending a shiver down her spine.

???: "Think they're still scared?" he murmured, his voice laced with a hint of amusement.

Wednesday: "Most likely, Y/n. You are horrifying to look at. Good thing that I can't see you now," she retorted icily. A faint chuckle escaped Y/n's lips as he followed her down the hallway.

Wednesday and Y/n walked closer to their respective lockers, their path intersected by a piece of paper that clung to Pugsley's locker. Unlocking it, she was greeted by a sight of a stubby boy tied up with rope and an apple crammed into his mouth. The girl swung open the locker, causing the boy to plummet to the ground. Y/n peered down at him, unamused.

Y/n: "What the, Pugsley? " he exclaimed, plucking the apple from the boy's mouth.

Wednesday: "I want names," she deadpanned, her eyes locking onto Pugsley with a mixture of annoyance and curiosity.

Pugsley: "I don't know who they were, honest," Pugsley stammered, attempting to wriggle free from his bindings to no avail. Witnessing the frustration etched on Wednesday's face, Y/n interjected.

Y/n: "What did you do this time?" Y/n sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, hoping to get an answer from the tearful boy.

Pugsley: "Nothing, it all happened so fast," Pugsley replied with a tearful expression.

Wednesday: "Pugsley, emotion equals weakness. Pull yourself together," she retorted coldly, casting a disparaging gaze in his direction.

The helpless boy whimpered, his efforts to suppress his tears in vain. Y/n, realizing that Pugsley might not develop resilience anytime soon, exchanged a meaningful glance with Wednesday. He extended a firm hand, hoisting Pugsley up from the grimy school floor.

Y/n: "There will come a time when we won't be here to take care of you and your messes anymore. You have to learn to defend yourself," Y/n stated sternly, untangling the rope that bound the boy's body.

Pugsley: "I know, so you don't need to be so harsh about it," Pugsley replied, attempting to compose himself. Just as Wednesday reached out to brush the dirt off his shoulders, her head jolted back, her eyes rolling into the depths of her skull.

Y/n: "Wednesday?! " Y/n quickly caught the girl, cradling her gently in his arms. A vision seared through Wednesday's consciousness, of Pugsley being pushed and shoved by a group of jocks, his voice defiant as he stood up for himself.

Jock: "You scared freak! You better be, because your sister and her boyfriend won't be here to stop us this time," the jock taunted, a sneer twisting his face. Wednesday watched the scene unfold, witnessing her brother's unexpected act of bravery.

Inseparable (Wednesday Addams and Y/N Grayson)Where stories live. Discover now