Chapter 6

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Winter was cuddled up to Qibli as everyone was asleep, he hoped nobody would see him suddenly a voice said "Winter are you awake?" Winter jumped up and said "Who said that!"

Winter looked around and saw black and white scales that seemed like a sky full of stars. The dragon stepped out of the darkness and said "Um... there's no need to be aggressive, it's me, Stormbreaker." Winter then asked quietly "How much did you see?" He narrowed his eyes at Stormbreaker expecting him to show a bit of fear but he instead said "I wanted to actually talk to you about you and Qibli's relationship, I may have found out and Moon made me tell her... sorry."

Winter looked at Stormbreaker and said angrily "Who told you?!" Stormbreaker smiled nervously and said "I kinda accidentally found out by using my future sight, sorry." Winter couldn't help but say "You what!"

Stormbreaker looked down with a look of disappointment in himself as he said "I know you and Qibli wanted to keep it a secret but I got cornered and I told Moon." Winter sighed and said "It's ok, does anyone else know?" Stormbreaker replied "No! I wouldn't tell anyone on purpose!"

Winter shoke his head as he went back to cuddling Qibli.

(Time skip about 2 days)

Winter was talking with Qibli and Moon when suddenly Stormbreaker was heard screaming in the art cave. As they entered the art cave and saw  Stormbreaker grabbing at his head as suddenly his eyes turned white and he stood up straight and said "Sand and Snow, mud and ice, the king of all will once more rise, four will fly and two will die, unless the darkest night is filled with light."

Suddenly Stormbreaker fell down and his painting fell over as well, Moon quickly ran to get some help. Soon Tsunami and Sunny were there and Tsunami asked "What happened to him?" Winter knew Tsunami wouldn't like to know about another prophecy but before he could find a way to say it without angering Tsunami, Qibli said "He had a prophecy and passed out."

Sunny backed away from Tsunami as Tsunami groaned and angrily said "Can't I just have one year without having to worry about a prophecy?" She then sighed and left while saying "Sunny could you deal with this, I need to take a nap I already have a headache from even hearing about another prophecy."

Sunny quickly then asked "So we should probably take him to the infirmary, but you two should tell me about this prophecy while we're going." Winter told her about the entire prophecy as they laid Stormbreaker on the bed in the infirmary, Sunny then said "That is quite the vague and weird prophecy, so it's like all prophecies I guess."

Sunny shrugged as she said "I don't know what it could mean but I'll help try to figure it out." As she left Moon came in with Kinkajou and Turtle and said "Sorry, I wanted to find Kinkajou and Turtle before we talk about the prophecy."

Qibli quickly said "Well I think some of it is clear while other parts of it aren't." He looked at Winter and Winter said "Yeah the sand and snow part is clearly about me and Qibli's relationship, but besides that it's all vague, except the darkest night part." Qibli, Turtle and Kinkajou all jumped up in surprise and Moon did to as Winter had seemingly told her about it but Winter then said "Don't worry, Stormbreaker already told Moon, so no need to hide the fact." Qibli looked at Winter and smirked as he then pressed up against him and said "So are we going to be more open with our relationship?" Winter rolled his eyes and said "I suppose." Qibli smiled as they all thought about what the prophecy could be.

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