Chapter 2

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Winter was shocked at this dragon apparently having animus magic and using it to try enchant Darkstalker to not have animus magic Would that even work? He did make his animus magic ignore all other animus effects, so will he truly defeat Darkstalker that easily?

Winter looked at Stormbreaker who then said "Now try and use your magic!" Darkstalker looked amused as he held a stone in his hand and said "I enchant this stone to kill Stormbreaker." Everyone looked at the stone expecting, but nothing happened and Darkstalker's calm face went quickly into panic as he said "No, NO, NO, NO, I'M SUPPOSED TO BE UNBEATABLE, you are nothing, I'll kill you myself!"

Stormbreaker was nearly crushed by Darkstalker but he moved quickly and said "I enchant all of Pyhria to be immune to any animus enchantments by Darkstalker that changes the way they think." Suddenly the chains also loosened around the Nightwings and Icewings. Glacier then looked at Stormbreaker and said "You could have warned us about what you were planning."

Stormbreaker shrugged as the Nightwings were now terrified as they looked at Darkstalker and Darkstalker himself was enraged as he then said "You fool, I'll make sure you regret that!" He swung at Stormbreaker and was surprised when Stormbreaker blocked it with a stone pillar. Stormbreaker smiled and said "I enchant Darkstalker to be as small and strong as a 3 year old dragonet and mortal."

Suddenly Winter watched as Darkstalker was shrunken. Everyone couldn't believe what they were seeing. Darkstalker looked at Stormbreaker in horror and said "No, no, NO, NO, you are evil, I would have saved Phyriha, you fool!" Stormbreaker frowned and said "I can see the future to, I was born on the brightest night to, but unlike you I see no use to lie, your future is not good, you hurt every dragon by controlling them."

Winter looked over to Moon, Turtle, Kinkajou and Qibli, they were all looking at Stormbreaker in shock and awe, much like everyone else. Stormbreaker then said something surprising "You have no need to fear Clearsight being forgotten, someone will remember her for all of eternity, she was a hero to many, you won't be killed, but you need to be punished and the Icewings are the ones who deserve to decided that punishment, you killed their Prince and put a plague on their Kingdom, you have to face the punishment."

Darkstalker and everyone looked surprised at this show of mercy as Queen Glacier stepped forward and said "He is correct, you must be punished, but first I think you shouldn't have future sight or mind reading, Stormbreaker would you do the honors?" Stormbreaker smiled and said "It would be my pleasure."

Darkstalker lost his powers, his kingdom and now he was going to be punished for his crimes. What could be a suitable punishment for the most evil dragon in the world?

Queen Glaicer looked down at the now small Darkstalker as she said "Your punishment shall be 200 years of community service followed by life in the dungeon." Winter wasn't surprised by this, usally the punishment was just jail, but community service would definitely help a lot of dragons.

(Time skip, about half an hour)

Winter stood there in front of Queen Glacier, everyone else left and she wanted an explanation for what happened. Winter began "I decided to fake my own death and let Hailstorm look like he won, I'm sorry..." Queen Glaicer pulled Winter into a hug as she said "I never liked the diamond trail, I thought I had lost my favorite nephew when you never left, I'm just glad your safe." Winter let tears call from his face as he said "Thank you, Queen Glacier."

Queen Glaicer let go of Winter and said "You are welcome to come to the icewing kingdom anytime, if anyone gives you trouble about being there tell them I let you, anyway I do have another question." Winter perched up and said "What?" Queen Glacier then said "Was that sandwing your boyfriend, I saw the way you looked at him."

Winter's face turned blue as he said "W- what, no he is not my boyfriend, I wouldn't dare a sandwing." Queen Glaicer smirked and said "Don't worry if you are, I'm dating a sandwing too." Winter looked at Queen Glacier in shock and said "Who?" Queen Glacier chuckled as she said "Blaze, isn't it obviously?"

Winter thought about it and realized that that's why Blaze still lives in the Icewing kingdom. He also thought about Qibli, and he couldn't help but think he was quite handsome. Winter looked up at Queen Glacier and said "He's no my boyfriend, but I'll consider maybe getting with him..." Queen Glaicer smiled and said "You have me and Blaze's support no matter what you chose, we always thought of you as our dragonet, Narwhal and Tundra were so terrible to you, I hope to see you again."

Winter thought about everything as he watched Queen Glacier head back toward the icewing kingdom.

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