General Fantasy Prompts (11-20)

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General Fantasy Prompts  (11-20)


Write about a girl named Cayenne and her father who sells spices.

Write about three princesses. One from land, air, and sea.

A sea captain and captain of the guard despise each other. However, they’ve both been commissioned by the empress to work together.

A magical necklace that causes its wearer to weld dark magic accidentally attaches itself to you.

Write about a character that struggles to separate fantasy from reality.

The villain has been defeated, and the hero is rewarded. However, the hero’s friends become concerned when their friend begins to show the same attitudes of their defeated foe.

You have the ability to stop time. Usually you use it to make it to work on time or sleep in longer. But this time you’ve frozen time for so long, that when you try to resume it, time remains frozen.

The characters from a book you’re reading come to life. For some reason, they all hate you.

You discover a hidden passageway in your house that leads to a world that’s an exact replica of the one you currently live in. Only you don’t exist.

There is a forest at the edge of the kingdom that’s forbidden to enter. Anyone who went in returned with six deadly jewels. You’re poor and desperate for money. You decide to journey to the forest.


500 Fantasy Writing Prompts || Author : Erica Blumenthal Where stories live. Discover now