General Fantasy Prompts (1-10)

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General Fantasy Prompts  (1-10)


A spoiled space captain is betrayed by her crew. The only way back home? Traveling on the ship of a rival captain.

The Prince of Death is a giant tarantula. He’s just chosen you as his newest apprentice (or victim... he’ll decide later).

Nightmare and Daydream take human forms. However, neither sibling is interested in running the family business of creating dreams. 

A dragon is the last of its kind and decides to take revenge against dragon slayers.

With the power to manipulate water, you become a corrupt pirate with the ability to defeat your enemies.

A group of immortals have spent hundreds of years together. One day and without warning, one of them drops dead.

Write about a school for necromancers. What happens when you accidentally raise a dead relative, and get enrolled the next day?

The sky changes colour based on its mood, and this often correlates to the weather for the day. Everyone is used to seeing blue, yellow, or the occasional red, but one day the sky turns purple.

After the villain destroys the world, he stumbles upon a child, cold and alone. He takes them in.

War heroes are called back years later to fight again. But this time the enemy is someone they once fought alongside.


500 Fantasy Writing Prompts || Author : Erica Blumenthal Where stories live. Discover now