Myth and Legend/Fairy-tale Prompts (31-40)

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Myth and Legend/Fairy-tale Prompts  (31-40)


You’re the Curse Writer, charging witches and wizards hefty prices for some of your most creative curses.

Deep in the darkened tunnels an egg is found. It is a new type of dragons egg.

The enchanted forest starts fading away. Why? And whom does this affect the most?

Twin waterfalls reveal a hidden kingdom. What sort of people live on the other side?

A fire destroys an area of woodlands, leaving at its centre, one lone house, completely untouched.

The ice princess has had her heart stolen. What would she be willing to do to get it back?

The ice queen drinks from a goblet of ice and is burnt to a crisp.

A still lake hides many secrets. What or who walks from the lake today?

A school boy steals his headmasters cloak because it's raining, only to find when he puts it on, it gives him the power to hear peoples' thoughts.

The fireflies fly and converge on a magical tree when a royal is about to be born. Tonight they converge on the tree, but the Queen is not giving birth.


500 Fantasy Writing Prompts || Author : Erica Blumenthal Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora