Epic Fantasy Prompts (31-40)

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Epic Fantasy Prompts(31-40)


A king and a queen have a baby, but the infant is stolen at birth. Magicians have stolen the baby. What do they teach him or her?

A boy meets a dwarf and form an unlikely friendship. They go on adventures together, searching for the truth in their world.

A magpie arrives at court one day, signalling the start of a new era.

Which child accepts the code and follows the path of those before him?

Magic is lost as a queen betrays the king. Her knights come to her rescue. What becomes of these knights and the queen?

“Time is growing slow. Something is happening in the kingdom. I need people to know what's going on.”

The magic was running out. It was up to one person to save it.

A lost book of magic was found once more, bringing its reader unrivalled magic.

The moon disappears one night. How does the fantasy world evolve/change?

A thief and a magician join together to find a missing friend.


500 Fantasy Writing Prompts || Author : Erica Blumenthal Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu