Myth and Legend/Fairy-tale Story Starters (41-50)

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Myth and Legend/Fairy-tale Story Starters (41-50)


A medieval doctor finds an herbal cure for a simple, but deadly virus. But the witches and sorcerers of the time believe he’s a heretic and sentence him to death. In this world, magic - there is no science - only magic and sorcery are the rightly ways of life.

An orphan boy is taken in by a kindly gentleman who’s actually a villainous sorcerer with unusual plans for the boy.

A witch finds out her sister didn't really die after all.

A mermaid could lose her magical amulet, which was keeping her a mermaid.

A mermaid’s best friend, a special sea turtle is captured by pirates.

A prince is blinded during a duel for his princess. But she leaves him after his injury.

A dwarf loses his magical hammer deep in a shaft in his mine. It’s lost forever. What does this mean?

An unusual rainbow appears, with the ability to take travellers to another land.

An enchanted frog utters a prophecy that the next princess will be killed by her father.

A king and queen are stranded on a deserted island.


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