Myth and Legend/Fairy-tale Prompts (1-10)

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Myth and Legend/Fairy-tale Prompts  (1-10)


After 20 years of living with your curse, the witch who placed it returns.
"Aren't you curious how to remove it?", she asks, puzzled. You shrug.
"I'm used to it."

There's a war brewing between mermaids and sirens. Write about  the first battle.

A prince needs a magical lantern in order to complete a task.

Write about different types of centaur, not just horse - tiger, deer, etc.

The nightingale is a story about an emperor who prefers his mechanical nightingale over the real one. Write prom the perspective of the real bird, who is immensely jealous.

Medusa - who these days hides her "hairs" underneath hats - is a world famous sculptress. She's juust have been invited to a popular TV show for an interview for her artistic process.

A dragon, who hears voices, gives the king an urgent message.

For years, you've known about the nymphs living by the lake near your house. You've only just realized they aren't as friendly as they seem.

A wizard finds himself far from home, lost and alone.

The witch from Hansel and Gretel has a twin sister - and she's furious at the hate witches get because of her evil sister.


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