Modern Fantasy (Paranormal, Urban Fantasy)Prompts (11-20)

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Modern Fantasy (Paranormal, Urban Fantasy)Prompts (11-20)


You’re cleaning out your closest when you stumble upon a note with your name on it. It’s from your past and future self.

Certain tattoos determine your magical power. For your 18th birthday, your parents take you to get your first tattoo.

You gain the ability to read minds. Frighteningly, you decide to read everyone’s thoughts at once, but everyone is only thinking of your name.

The package you ordered online turns out to be a dragon’s egg with a large crack in it.

Your parents have always forbidden you from going into the basement. When curiosity gets the better of you, you go down there when they’re not home. There you find a ghost that looks exactly like you.

Write about a character who learns they are a shapeshifter. The catch? They can only change into objects.

Your character is a wizard. Write about their first day at a school for humans.

Wishes can be granted - but only at the expense of someone you know personally that has what you want.

You faint after being out all day in the sun. When you wake up, you have wings.

You start a new job and your co-workers seem friendly enough, but you’re convinced your boss is a spectre.


500 Fantasy Writing Prompts || Author : Erica Blumenthal Where stories live. Discover now