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Simon's POV

I was quickly getting dressed nicely. I had no idea when they'd be here. I walked out of my room. "Is this okay?" I asked Sara. "For what? You meeting the queen?" She asked being really confused. "Uhm indeed, yes I am!" I told her, being a bit stressed just because the queen was coming over to our place. "What?!" She asked, starting to get a bit louder. "Wille texted me saying that they're coming over to talk about me and Wille" I explained to her. "Okayyy- well your outfit is fine, I'll tell mom and clean up a bit. But do you know when they're coming over?" She asked, I held up my shoulders. "Nope" She nodded and walked over to mom to tell her. I went to clean the kitchen and the dining table. 

I just took a seat on the couch when I heard a knock on the front door. I got up and opened it. I saw a smiling crown prince, his mom and dad. "Come in" I said and stepped away. They walked inside and took a seat in the living room.

"So Simon" the queen started. "We have found out that you and Wilhelm have not been listening lately.." I gulped and looked at Wille, he looked back at me and then again to the queen, so did I. "But we have decided that you both should be happy with each other. And if Wilhelm wants to stay crown prince he can." I looked at Wilhelm happily. "So we can date again?" I asked just to be sure. They nodded. "But, we do request not to tell everyone yet. You can tell your friends. But both of you won't be ready yet for all the stress if everyone knows you're dating" his dad explained. We both nodded. "I guess you both want some time together" his mom said. They said goodbye to each other, and his mom and dad left.

"Wanna go to my room?" I asked him. "Sure" he said and we walked to my room.

I closed my door as we were both inside my room. I sat down on my bed with him next to me. He laid down and I laid my head on his lap. "So will you be my boyfriend again?" He asked me. "Ofcourse! You stupid?!" "NOO! I just want to make sure" he said. "Okay okay" I smiled while saying that.

"So I guess you're staying for the night?" I asked. "Well my parents just left me here so I guess yeah" We both started laughing as he said that. "Don't worry, I still have your sweater and some spare pajama pants. That are a bit big for me so they'll fit I think." I told him. "Thank you" he said. I smiled and gave him the clothes. He started to change. I turned around and grabbed my clothes. I then started to change as well.

~Omg finally I made the part where they're together.

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