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~Hey I'm back, I'm so glad. Also thanks for 179 reads!

Wilhelm's POV

When I walked out of class I wanted to ask Simon something. I wanted to ask he if wanted to stay with me for the weekend to "work on the project" obviously also other things, but first of all it's a good excuse. Second we'll maybe even do it, okay probably not but we'll see that later. I'll first just ask him. I hope he says yes, I mean why wouldn't he? We uhm yeah kissed, made out and yk..

"Hey Simme?" I asked as we walked in the hallways. He looked up to me. "Can we talk?" I asked while pointing with my head towards the empty music room. He nodded while walking inside the music room.

I closed the door when we both were  inside. "What's up?" He asked. "I just wanted to ask if you wanted to stay with me for the weekend? We can work on the project?" I asked him "uhm sure, but why did we have to go in here?" He answered me. "Oh just because we can't get caught by anyone you know?" I explained. He nodded, understanding. He kissed my cheek. "I'll call my mom" he said while walking out.

When I was walking towards the study room I passed Felice. "Hey Wille, how are you? You seem pretty happy" she asked. I nodded. "Yeah well, me and Simon are sort of together? My mom forbid us so please don't tell anyone" I explained to her. "Ofcourse ofcourse don't worry Wilhelm. And I'm happy for you, but I have to go now. Bye!" She smiled while walking away.

I took a seat in the study room, next to some of my friends. I put my earphones in and did my work while listening to music. I was done pretty quickly so I decided to write some things down for the project. When I finished that as well I got up and walked towards the dorms.

I walked in my room and put all my stuff down. I got in more comfortable clothes. I sat down on my bed and called my mom. "Hey honey, it's so nice you're calling" she said. I love it when she's actually my mom, and not just the queen. "Hey mom, is it okay if I stay for the weekend at Hillerska?" I asked. "I have a project to work on and it's with partners so it's the easiest to just be finished quick and do it here" I added before she asked a million questions. "Yeah it's fine, now tell me; how are you doing?" She asked me, I knew I couldn't tell everything, so I didn't do that. "Well actually it's going really good. I'm very happy at the moment" I said, smiling, thinking of Simon. "That's good to hear, did anything happen?" She asked. Now the part where I have to lie to her. "No not really but just feeling good" I told her. We just talked about some normal stuff for the rest of the time.

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